

John: Good luck on your trial.  I AM 83 dXD 1999  at rest tremors left hand
extreme fatigue occasional fall exercise daily and with PD Support Group
weekly one CR 25-100 Sinemet every 12 hours suggest that you ask GP's to
have diagnosis confirmed by a neuro - also suggest you make contact with
APDA at 800-223-2732they can direct you to other sources of information.
Cheers, Bob Berger

>From: lamjam inc <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Parkinson's Information Exchange Network
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Upjohn drug trail PNU-95666E
>Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 12:36:41 -0500
>Hi all.
>I'm 46, diagnosed with PD in January, 2001, confirmed in February.  I
>started a Dopamine agonist drug trial (reference above) on February 26.  It
>runs twelve weeks.
>My symptoms are loss of fine motor control on my left side ( I am typing
>this with one hand).  I have a noticeable limp.  I am tired all the time.
>Folding socks is tough, etc.  I have no tremors.  I have suspected
>Parkinson for 18 months (it took awhile and 3 GP's to get diagnosed).
>Does anyone have experience with this drug trial?  I am getting one of five
>does levels (maybe placebo).  I am trying to set my expectations for
>symptom relief.  How about similar symptom relief data with Miraplex?
>John A. Maurer
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