

I was asked by Lupe McCann to post this information to the list about the
PAN conference. She spoke to their office earlier today.
She said the conference has been postponed -- no definite date has been
set for rescheduling, but sometime in March 2002 is being considered.
If you have already paid for registration, call the PAN office. If you
have made non-refundable plane reservations, call your airlines and
explain the situation. If they won't refund the tickets, Lupe suggested
also calling PAN to see if they would help you deal with the airlines.
PAN's phone number is 800-850-4726.

While the postponement of the Forum is a big disappointment, it is
important that people remain actively involved in their states and local
areas. We can initiate and continue dialogue with our congressional
representatives about Parkinson's research funding, and also prescription
drug coverage, long term care issues, disability issues and so on. Using
our computers we can network with other advocates from our home states,
and with people from across the country to share information and ideas.
Watch the list for further discussion.

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