

Re-Post: 043816
Dated 26 Jun 1998 17:59:46
Subj: cognitive distortions - #1 - all or nothing thinking

hi all

when i posted my 'series' on cd last summer
base on the 'perceptions' theme
i credited david burns and his book 'feeling good'
with having been of great help to me

i believe that his theories on cognitive therapy
and automatic negative thoughts
apply to our society in general
not just those suffering with
clinical depression

since learning to recognise negative distortions in my own thinking
i find that i can 'see' it in others more and more easily
[kind of like when you buy a volkswagen]

but this leaves me in a quandary

if one of the ten cognitive distortions is 'disqualifying the positive'
am i not guilty of emphasising the negative
by 'seeing' distortions in others?

ouch, my head hurts!

nevertheless, i will press on with this long-pondered scheme of mine
viz sharing what i have learned about negative thinking
with my cyber-family
one distortion
at a time

david burns describes
negative thoughts or cognitions as
running through my mind automatically
without the slightest effort on my part to put them there
they are as obvious and as natural to me as the way i hold a fork

the first one, "all or nothing thinking",
is based on perfectionism,
on the idea that everything can be reduced to
innocent / guilty
either / or
pass / fail
black / white
whereas, in reality, everything is shades of gray
black and white do not exist

if i get a 'c' grade on an exam instead of my usual 'b'
i may say to myself
"i am a complete failure"

if i do something stupid
i may say to myself
"i'm always doing stupid things"

if the keyboard i'm tapping at has some coffee stains on it
i may say to myself
"this keyboard is totally filthy"
"i am a complete slob"

in contrast, undistorted answers might be:
"this keyboard has a couple of spots on it, but most of it is clean"
"i choose to clean what and when it is important to me"

the unending negative internal tirade
only erodes whatever feelings of self-worth i may have left
which is a real shame
the unending negative internal tirade
is completely unrealistic and a fraudulent distortion of the facts

there is nothing on this planet that is totally black or totally white
there is nothing on this planet that is totally brilliant
there is nothing on this planet that is totally ugly

including us
we are humans
not gods

as humans we are naturally fallible
we 'should' make mistakes
we 'should' be imperfect

that is how we learn and grow
which is why we're here

the uncompromising pursuit of excellence
is not the problem

by making the effort to pursue excellence
regardless of the outcome
i cannot lose

by calling myself a failure after an unsuccessful attempt at an impossibility
regardless of the effort
i cannot win

if we 'expect' perfection in ourselves as well as in others
we will be constantly disappointed
and bitter

if we 'expect' imperfection in ourselves as well as in others
we may be frequently surprised
and delighted

your cyber-sibling in shading



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