
I can understand your frustration and agree that this form is not set up to be a chat room.  But as a person who for the past year have been a lurker and been afraid to jump in, I'm worried others will be hesitant to participate.  What would help is if you, or anyone, can tell me if there is a Parkinsen chat line?  I know there are a lot of chat rooms that Parkies can use but one  that is run by or used by the people  who use the Parkinsen List Server.

I apologize if because of my ignorance this information is available and I do not realize it. 

I am posting this on reply all in hopes that others will see it who do not know either.

Thank you

Pam Shapley 



>From: Marla Gillham <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Parkinson's Information Exchange Network <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: email etiquette
>Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 01:55:51 -0700
>Dear PD Community,
>I am REALLY disappointed in the total absence of email etiquette on this listserver! While I was very interested in being on the mailing list because of the occasional, very timely, USEFUL pieces of info that I can ACTUALLY USE, I am so very exhausted by the 20-80 messages EVERY DAY that belong on a chat room that I really don't need to see!!! I am fully aware of the importance of support for all of us. I am one of the "isolated", living in a small rural town. I know how important it is to be able to be heard by an understanding heart. But Geez Louise! I spend a half hour a day just deleting messages that REALLY SHOULD BE SENT TO INDIVIDUALS AND NOT TO THE WHOLE LIST. Yes, I mean THOSE PERSON-TO-PERSON DISCUSSIONS!!!!!
>Listserve manager, PLEASE do something about this! Hundreds of messages a week is unwieldy, especially for those of us who are still trying to hold down a job! I haven't been able to find the time to clean messages off my email this week. Now there are 470 UNREAD MESSAGES. List members, PLEASE think before you hit that return key! It's simple, when a person sends out a general inquiry, reply only to them! Their email address is accessible . If you don't know how to find it, call your internet service provider and ask them to explain it to you. If you subsequently find that several other people are interested in the answer to your question, then you may wish to forward useful replies you have received to them. None of the 20-30 emails your question generated will have to be deleted by the rest of us! Thankfully! It may take more time for you to keep track of your support circle, and more time to enter their addresses on each email, but THAT IS YOUR CHOICE. Do not make it an unwanted disruption of my precious limited energy.
>I do LOTS of PD research on the Web, and my doc, the best in the region, confirms my rather high comprehension level. From the messages I see on this list I know I have helpful suggestions to offer, and links to excellent websites. For example, there is good evidence that your money would be far better spent drinking organic Jonagold apple juice or eating kale (the 2 foods with the highest concentrations of complex bioflavinoid antioxidants) which contain a far more effective complex of antioxidants than popping pills. Or eat natural sources of vit. E such as fish, especially ones like herring. There would be no vitamin E toxicity problems if you did. Diet for PDers is as much about naturally occuring antioxidants as it is about a 7:1 ratio of carbos-to-protein, or about eating protein at the end of the day. I don't have weight loss, constipation, or weakness problems. I walk and hike often and up to 6-8 miles with moderate (> 1000') elevation change. I know I'm doing something right. I might have time to share some pearls of usefulness if I weren't spending hours deleting personal messages...
>I would hope this list would respect the needs of the working people with PD, and others with little free time, or capability, to remove all these unnecessary personal messages. I spend my fair share of time each day rigid or dyskinetic. I get blue. I wind up on the floor. I have a walker for off times. I live alone. I'm afraid sometimes. BUT I DON'T NEED TO TELL THE WHOLE PD COMMUNITY!! Please, find your own support circle and send your messages ONLY to them! Leave the relevant issues to be sent to the entire list.
>Somebody should define the etiquette of this list and make sure members comply. If not, you will certainly force me to end my association, and undoubtedly others with limited time, at which point the community starts to serve only some of the people with PD... those with lots of time. If that is the desire of the list managers, fine, just say so. But if you really want to serve the entire community you've just GOT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!!!
>If you are offended by my message I suggest you look at "why" closely. I will not read any replies to this message that are in any way critical. I've been online for 20 years now, and I KNOW that most lists operate on important principles of respectful behavior. Please choose to do so here as well.
>Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of my request.
>Marla Gillham
>To sign-off Parkinsn send a message to: mailto:[log in to unmask]
>In the body of the message put: signoff parkinsn

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