


you might find Robert Laneham's _A Letter whearin, part of the
entertainment untoo the Queenz Maiesty, at Killingwoorth Castl... iz
signified..._ (1575) of interest.

Bruce R. Smith recently argued that Laneham's descriptions of a peasant
marriage ceremony and a Coventry artisans' Hock Tuesday play there are
designed to amuse elite readers. Like the attribution of the Letter,
that's debatable. Incidentally, this text (or the entertainment) is
sometimes regarded as a source for the fairies masque in _A Midsummer
Night's Dream_.

Tyler Smith

 According to PJW Marty:
> I'm searching for performances for or by the upper classes that mocked the
> lower classes, especially satirical imitations of performance forms or
> festive traditions.  I'm specifically interested in Elizabethan incidents,
> but would welcome any fifteenth- or early sixteenth-century examples from
> England or France.  Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Paulette Marty
> University of Wisconsin-Madison