

Dangers lurk in research on stem cells
But ban on government funding makes ethical regulation less likely
Washington Post Writers Group

As the Bush administration approaches a decision on stem
cell research, the caricatures have already been drawn. On one
side are the human benefactors who wish only a chance to use
the remarkable potential of stem cells - primitive cells that have
the potential to develop into any body tissue with the proper
tweaking - to cure myriad diseases. On the other side stand the
Catholic Church and the usual anti-abortion zealots who,
because of squeamishness about the fate of a few clumps of
cells, will prevent this great boon to humanity.

I happen to favor federal support for stem cell research, but
unless we treat the opposition arguments with respect, rather
than reflexive disdain, we will fail to appreciate the looming
dangers - moral and biological - inherent in this
unprecedentedly powerful new technique.

Embryonic stem cells have been obtained from two sources:
tiny 4- to 7-day-old human embryos (blastocysts) from fertility
clinics, or specialized tissue from aborted fetuses.

The problem with the blastocyst technique is that extracting
the stem cells kills the embryo. The embryo is very small,
consists of only about 140 cells and has not been implanted
in the uterus. But a potential human it is. And it is destroyed.

True, it would likely be discarded anyway by the clinic.
(Only the most promising embryos are implanted; the rest
are either frozen or destroyed.) Which is why I am sympathetic
to the utilitarian argument that one might as well derive some
good from the embryo's extinction.

Nonetheless, it is important to recognize the gravity of
providing government money - and thus communal moral
sanction - to the deliberate destruction of a human embryo
for the purpose of research. It violates the categorical
imperative that human life be treated as an end and not
a means.

It is a serious objection and should be set aside only with
great trepidation. The principal justification for setting
aside this objection is practical: Continuing the federal
ban on embryonic stem cell research is a losing political
proposition. The push from patient advocacy groups,
touting stem cells as the answer for millions of the
incurably ill, is becoming politically irresistible.

With government sanction and government funds, the whole
technique would be far more subject to peer review and ethical
regulation. The fact is, stem cell research is going on today,
but because of the federal ban, it is conducted with corporate
money in more shielded and less scrutinized research settings.

Scrutiny and regulation are needed because the ultimate
societal challenge in stem cell research - largely obscured
by the debate over the cells' origin - is the question of the
cells' destiny. Stem cells have the remarkable capacity to
reproduce themselves indefinitely and thus create millions
of replicas. Advocates  try to stress that they cannot
become a backdoor to cloning. Stem cells, they insist,
can only produce heart or brain or other tissue, but not
a full human being.

It is not at all clear, however, that these cells cannot, under
the right conditions,  produce a full human being.

The original 1998 paper by James Thomson announcing
the success of his stem cell extraction and propagation
technique says these cells have the capacity to produce
every type of cell necessary to produce a human organism.

Moreover, mouse experiments suggest that adding
trophoblastic (placenta-producing) cells from a donor
embryo to stem cells could allow uterine implantation
and the production of a full human being - and thus
a potential army of identical human beings. In theory,
one could even manufacture a partial human being, kept
artificially alive and harvested for its organs.

It gets even worse. In 1998, it was reported that a human
nucleus had been implanted in a cow egg cell producing
what is called a chimera, a possible hybrid human-cow
creature. It was destroyed in its early embryonic stage,
but not before giving us a glimpse of horrors that lie within
the reach of the new reproductive biotechnology.

Stem cell research offers the possibility of a fantastic
good: tissue and organs to replace almost any failing
part of the human body. It is not the imminent panacea
that some of its advocates claim. But in the longer run it
will likely produce remarkable cures. It should therefore
be allowed to proceed with federal funding and federal
regulation - but with extraordinary care and a decent
respect for those who, possessed of a keener sense
of man's potential for evil and folly, would have us pause
before plunging into the biological unknown.

Charles Krauthammer is a syndicated columnist.
Write him c/o Washington Post Writers Group,
1150 15th St. NW, Washington, DC 20071.


"Stem cell research is going on today, but because of the
federal ban, it is conducted in more shielded and less
scrutinized research settings."

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