

Darwin Hawkins has asked me to forward this message to inform his friends on
the PIEN list.
Darwin is no longer a member of PIEN, so please send replies to his private
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It saddens me to have to let all of you know this, but I do need your
prayers and support, and I consider all of you some of the best friends I
have ever not met.

I have been having tests run for two weeks now and the results were as I
expected. I got the big C. It's about 7 cm and is behind my heart and behind
my right bronchial tube that goes to my right lung. It is inoperable because
of the location and may not be treatable with radiation, so chemo will
probably be my only choice. I'm feeling fairly well, just some shortness of
breath, a dry cough and a generally lack of energy. The lab is still running
tests on the biopsy samples to try and differentiate between small cell and
lymphoma. Should know those results today or tomorrow.

Sure glad I didn't take retirement as I had originally planned last March.
As it stands now, I still have my company paid life insurance which is worth
almost $200K. I have an upbeat and positive attitude about this. I'm
apprehensive but not afraid. I made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ at
a summer camp when I was 13 years old and God has guided me through many a
trial and tribulation over the years and He will continue to do so.
Sometimes we don't understand why things happen, but I do know that God has
a plan for me and I accept that.

I'll try to stay in touch over the next few months. May be going on medical
disability leave here very soon. I will try and let you know when my company
e-mail address will no longer be valid.

I don't think this is going to have much effect on my sense of humor, at
least I hope not. I've always said that laughter is the best medicine
(besides faith), and I plan on continuing laughing. Guess I'm going to beat
Mr. PD after all! HA!

Love and blessings to all,

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