

Awaiting Bush's Stem Cell Choice
By Kristen Philipkoski
2:00 a.m.  July 7, 2001 PDT
President Bush has indicated he may make compromises to allow
embryonic stem cell research.

A spokesman for Bush said last week the president has not yet
made up his mind, but that he believes "life should not be destroyed
to save or make another life."

The comment leaves open the question as to when exactly the
president believes life begins.

Stem cells are the basis for every type of cell in the body, and
many scientists say their powers of renewal are the only hope
for people with certain debilitating diseases and injuries, such
as diabetes, Lou Gehrig's disease, Alzheimer's and spinal cord

Stem cells are taken from embryos, which are destroyed in the
process. Those who believe an embryo is a human being believe
stem cell research is unethical and immoral. Plus, they cite advances
in stem cell research using cells derived from mature cells -- taken
from bone marrow or the brains of cadavers -- as better alternatives.

The use of federal funds for stem cell research was banned in the
United States for four years until early last year when the Clinton
administration drafted new guidelines.

But Bush has expressed reservations regarding the guidelines,
which state that research on embryonic stem cells obtained from
private research firms can be funded federally, so long as no
embryos are destroyed using government money.

This month, Bush is scheduled to announce a decision on
whether these guidelines will hold, but has not yet given a date.

Several Republican senators, including Trent Lott (R-Mississippi)
and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), have recently spoken out in support of
embryonic stem cell research, surprising and confusing anti-stem
cell groups that had hoped the Republican administration would
support them.

"It's such a clear crime against persons to kill an embryo that I
don't understand why people can't see that," said Judy Brown,
president of the American Life League (ALL).

She says she has lost all faith that the Bush administration will
uphold ALL's beliefs.

"I think there was an under-the-table, behind-closed-doors
agreement made between the President and these senators,
including Hatch and Lott, orchestrated to give the President
an excuse to do what he is going to do," Brown said. "I hope
I'm wrong."

Brown's sentiments are based on his performance so far in
office. While former President Clinton reversed several
congressional actions against abortion within 72 hours of taking
office in 1993, Bush has not made any moves in the opposite
direction in six months in office.

"I have no reason to be hopeful about this man," Brown said.

She expects nothing but compromises. And, in fact, the
administration has come up with some possibilities: to attempt
to control the number of stem cells in use by putting the National
 Institutes of Health in charge of licensing stem cell lines that
would qualify for research funds; and to tighten consent
requirements and protections for parents who created the surplus
embryos during fertility treatments.

"Our organization would oppose those," said Gene Tarne, the
communications director of Do No Harm, a group that calls itself
"the Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics."

"You would still be providing federal funding for research that
requires the destruction of an embryo."

"You can require any number of consent forms for parents.
You're still funding research which we (believe) is unethical,
illegal and unnecessary," he added.

Groups that support the research include the Christopher Reeve
Paralysis Foundation, the Parkinson's Disease Foundation and
the American Diabetes Association. Several of these groups have
 enlisted celebrity spokespersons to testify to Congress, including
Mary Tyler Moore for the diabetes group.

Geron (GERN) in Menlo Park, California, helped fund the
University of Wisconsin research that isolated the first
embryonic stem cells. Geron holds patents on stem cell and
cloning technologies, so the company's livelihood at least in
part depends on Bush's decision.

Alta Charo, a law and medical ethics professor at the
University of Wisconsin and member of the National
Bioethics Advisory Committee that oversees federal
stem cell research, believes that any decision to fund
embryonic stem cell research should be applauded.

Charo is against any potential limitations placed on the
numbers of cells available. Stem cells in use now can be
replicated, but further research may require some additional
stem cells to be derived, she said.

"In light of the extraordinary medical research potential ... no
avenue of research should be discouraged by lack of funding,"
Charo said.

The stem cell debate is not strictly researchers against
anti-abortion and religious groups.

Stuart Newman, professor of cell biology and anatomy at the
New York Medical College in Valhalla, New York, has been
outspoken against the research. He believes that, although
approving the research could seem like a benign step, using
human embryos for research has the potential to get people
used to the idea of producing human embryos for utilitarian

Two applications for funding from the National Institutes
of Health remain on hold until Bush makes his decision.,1283,45006,00.html

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