

>    Subject: NEWS: Va. Lab Uses Embryos Made Only for Research
>    From: Murray Charters <[log in to unmask]>
>    Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 23:37:42 -0700

Va. Lab Uses Embryos Made Only for Research
By Rick Weiss
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, July 11, 2001; Page A01

Scientists in Virginia have become the first in the world to harvest
embryonic stem cells from human embryos that were created
specifically for research and then destroyed to retrieve the
potentially valuable cells.

Until now, researchers had derived stem cells only from donated
embryos that had already been created in fertility clinics but were
designated for disposal because they were not needed.
The creation of new embryos for the sole purpose of destroying
them for their stem cells runs directly counter to recent
recommendations of the National Bioethics Advisory
Commission, the National Institutes of Health and the ethics
advisory board of the European Commission.

The work drew immediate criticism from religious conservatives
opposed to embryo research and from others who have been
working to find middle ground in the heated political battle over
embryonic stem cells. The cells show great promise for their
ability to regenerate damaged tissues but are controversial
because embryos must be destroyed to get them.

But the scientists who conducted the work at the Jones Institute
for Reproductive Medicine in Norfolk said that they and several
review panels had carefully assessed the ethical implications
in advance and concluded that the approach was at least as ethical
as using spare frozen embryos. There are ethical advantages
to having parents know and agree from the start that their
embryos would be used for research, they said.

President Bush has said he will soon decide whether to allow
taxpayer dollars to be used for research on embryonic stem cells.
He is under intense pressure, both from patient groups that
favor the research and opponents who feel the work is inherently
unethical. Meanwhile, Bush has delayed implementation of new
National Institutes of Health guidelines, developed under
President Bill Clinton, that would allow federally funded scientists
to conduct research on stem cells, but only if the cells came from
spare frozen embryos.

Some commentators said yesterday that the maverick move
by the Jones Institute scientists was just the latest evidence
that embryo research should be disallowed. "I think this is a
cautionary tale against starting down the slope," said Richard
Doerflinger of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Others, however, said the news strengthened the case for
quickly initiating federal funding, with its accompanying
guidelines and oversight.

"This research demonstrates the urgent need for federal
oversight of stem cell research, but federal oversight will
only come hand-in-hand with federal funding," said
Lawrence Soler, chairman of the Coalition for the Advancement
of Medical Research. "Federal funding for the creation of an
embryo solely for research purposes would not be allowed if
the current NIH guidelines were in effect."

Susan Lanzendorf, Gary Hodgen and their colleagues at the
Jones Institute, part of the Eastern Virginia Medical School,
consulted with clergy, ethicists, law scholars and others on
the issue of creating embryos as an expendable source of stem
cells. The institute's ethics committee concluded that "the
creation of embryos for research purposes was justifiable
and that it was our duty to provide humankind with the best
understanding of early human development," the team reports
in the July issue of the journal Fertility and Sterility, released
today. A university ethics panel agreed.

The group extracted eggs from 12 women, who signed detailed
informed consent documents and were paid $1,500 to $2,000
each, said William Gibbons, a reproductive endocrinologist
there who was not involved in the work but was the only person
the institute would make available to reporters. Of the 162 eggs
collected and inseminated by donor sperm, 50 embryos were
successfully created. The researchers destroyed 40 of those
to get the stem cells that resided inside, from which three lines,
or colonies, of stem cells were isolated and maintained in culture.
The work was done with private funds.

A 1994 panel of government advisers recommended allowing
the creation of embryos for research under certain circumstances.
President Clinton rejected that recommendation the day he got it,
and there's been little open support for the practice since then.
Even the members of that panel were divided. The creation of
embryos for research "is unnerving," wrote Georgetown
University professor and panelist Patricia King, "because human
life is being created solely for human use."

King's sentiment was echoed in a recent report from
a Clinton-appointed national bioethics commission.
"There is a more than ample supply of embryos already
created and destined to be destroyed," said Thomas
Murray, a commission member and president of the
Hastings Center, a bioethics think tank in Garrison, N.Y.
"So long as there is such a supply available, there was
no good reeason to create an embryo soley for research."

Yet some ethicists support the Jones Institute's view.
"Soliciting eggs and sperm from donors who do not know
each other and have no reproductive intent can ensure that
there is no regret about using the embryo for research,"
said R. Alta Charo, a professor of law and ethics at the
University of Wisconsin. "So if one focuses on the adults'
interests, rather than on the moral status of the embryo,
then making embryos solely for research is not as odd
as it may sound."

Among nations, only Britain has set up a legal mechanism
that allows the creation of new embryos for research, with
strict rules governing the kinds of experiments that are eligible.
To date, none have been used to create stem cells.

Separately, supporters of embryonic stem research said
yesterday they would "turn up the heat" on the Bush
administration by immediately launching a major television
and print advertising campaign featuring an 11-year-old girl
with diabetes. The theme of the campaign, sponsored by the
 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, will be: "With stem
cell research, a cure is within reach."

SOURCE: The Washington Post

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