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Subject: Talking Points on Bush's Stem Cell Decision
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"Ban In Sheep's Clothing" Shows Weak Leadership, Clout Of Radical Right <BR>
§ George W. Bush issued as one scientist put it a "ban in sheep's clothing" with his announcement last night on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. <BR>
§ Bush is trying to carve out a phony compromise and stake out a middle ground that simply does not exist, putting political considerations over medical ones. Trying his hardest to portray himself as a moderate while caving in to the radical right, Bush's announcement left scientists and advocates for the research - which many believe could one day lead to cures and treatments for diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, spinal cord injuries, severe burns and a host of other maladies - shaking their heads in disappointment. <BR>
§ Bush's decision wasn't much of a decision at all. In essence, he said that since someone else had already made a decision on the stem cell lines currently in use, he didn't feel compelled to make a decision beyond that. <BR>
§ And what of those lines? Bush said last night that there were currently some 60 stem cell lines suitable for use, and that those could be used almost indefinitely. But no one seems to know from where Bush got that number. Estimates range on the number of available lines, with some saying that there are as few as twelve - one-fifth as many as Bush claimed. And contrary to Bush's claim, some experts say these lines will only be usable for three or four years tops. <BR>
§ What we saw last night was a desperate tactic from a weak leader. He had the power to make a decision that could have dramatically improved the lives of countless people across the world. Instead, he caved to the extreme fringe of his party - which is still unlikely to be happy since the decision breaks a Bush campaign promise to oppose any such funding of stem cell research. <BR>
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