

To:  Respondents to my recent query about interior / exterior 12th-cent.

When my theater colleague, Paul Nelsen, posted my question about the
(mythical!) evolution of indoor to outdoor medieval drama, it seemed a
simple query anticipating a quick answer.  Never did I imagine that it would
throw grease on the fire, starting a move toward both a conference session
and a new anthology of documents!  Wow!  I haven't felt so useful in ages,
and am delighted that the many kind responses were made worth your efforts
by the ideas and proposals that ensued.  The discussions have been extremely
enlightening to me, and I am grateful to all of you, especially those who
sent primary source texts from the period.  You might like to know that the
information is aiding me in connection with visual analyses of some
narrative scenes in 12th and 13th cent. manuscript painting. Needless to
say, both footnotes and acknowledgements in my book will carry  expressions
of gratitude to REED scholars.

With best wishes to all,

Willene B. Clark
Professor of Art History, Emerita
Marlboro College
Marlboro, VT