

                        The Angels Cry For Me

Car is packed, with clothes, dishes and knickknacks.
I glance around, to see if there is anything else that will fit
Instead I see her walking up to me
She asks me if I am ok, and I sadly smile and say no
and she tells me that she loves me
which makes my heart ache so badly
How can it be love, without a commitment

I drive off, in a drizzly rain
Tears streaming down my face
Calling myself names,
trying to find a spark of anger
Because anger is so much easier
to bear than pain
But anger won’t come
and tears won’t stop

Rain falls harder
as if angels are crying with me
A song on the radio
Tells of the pain of hearing
“Let’s just be friends”
And the tears fall faster

I know that some of this is my fault
And she isn’t forcing me to move,
But without a vow, to spend our lives,
loving and caring for each other,
Then what we had that was beautiful
becomes sordid and cheap.

I can tell she wants me to give her time,
And I know she doesn’t understand why I left
But on the other hand, she has never asked me either.
Two strong willed individuals can make such a strong team
Or can tear each other apart.

Time will tell, which it will be,
But I feel the pain inside,
Knowing I’ve lost my best friend
and wondering if my Lady
was ever really mine.

And if she was, is it possible
 for her to be mine again?
Or has time, negligence and stress
Robbed us of a beautiful love

And the angels cry for me….

bob armentrout  copyright 2001

so empty.. the only way to describe what I feel.
Empty inside, where I used to carry your love for me.
Empty inside, where I used to see a bright future for us
and that finger, where I once placed a ring
symbolizing love, promises, happiness
now so damn empty
Tears falling inside,
trying to fill that empty spot
but they just keep falling,
and it doesn’t fill.
Tears falling outside,
whenever they can’t be blocked
Anger refusing to come,
sadness ruling the day
My love is still there,
that is what causes the pain
to be so much worse.
Knowing the future we planned together
is no more
and feeling the bleakness
of a cold winter alone
leaving me

bob armentrout copyright 2001

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