

If you have had DBS surgery the Rockford Young Parkinson's Support Group
would like to know about your  experience, whether it is negative or
positive. Please take a few minutes to answer our  survey questions.  You
may reply either to the List or to me personally at: [log in to unmask]

Sharon Habing, facilitator
Rockford Young Parkinson

DBS survey


Age at diagnosis

Parkinson's symptoms/medications taken before DBS

Other medical conditions for which you take medication/medication taken

Previous surgical interventions - Pallidotomy, Thalamotomy, other

Date of DBS month/year

Parkinson's symptoms/medication taken after DBS at
   2 months

   6 months

   1 year


If it was yours to do over, would you undergo this procedure.  Why or why
not?  Please explain your feelings about this surgery as it pertains to
you and your particular situation

To sign-off Parkinsn send a message to: mailto:[log in to unmask]
In the body of the message put: signoff parkinsn