

FROM:  United Press International
 October 31, 2001, Wednesday 06:58 PM Eastern Time

HEADLINE: New stem cells lines will be needed
BYLINE: By KELLY HEARN, UPI Science Reporter

   Existing stem cell lines could accrue genetic abnormalities over time
and new
stem cell lines will likely be needed, experts told a Senate panel

   "The current stem cell lines are problematic because they accumulate
mutations as they grow," said Dr. Bert Vogelstein, chairman of a key stem
research committee of the National Research Council and Institute of
"Every time a cell divide in a tissue culture it accumulates mutations.
aggregate those mutations may cause certain problems."

   Vogelstein and other medical experts testified before a Senate

   Stem cells are unspecialized cells that can become any cell type with
specialized functions. They can be gleaned from several sources, such as
placenta, umbilical cords and adult cells, but scientists say those
derived from
human embryos are most useful for therapeutic and research applications.

   Stem cells, if implanted in a patient, could grow cells afresh,
cures for intractable diseases like Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and

   On August 9 President Bush announced that embryonic stem cell research
receive federal funding. But that decision permits federal funding only
on the
some 60 existing stem cell lines that have already been derived.

   While stem cell providers the world over are looking to the National
Institutes of Health to fund stem cell research on those existing lines,
like Vogelstein warn of problems.

   One issues is that many of the existing lines were "cultured with
cells and serum" creating the fear that pathogens in mice or cows could
transmitted to humans if the stem cells are used for therapeutic

   Another problem is that patient's immune system may attack the newly
introduced stem cells. One way of sidestepping the problem is through a
known as somatic cell nuclear transfer or SCNT. That procedure, also
known as
therapeutic cloning, involves taking DNA from a cell belonging to a
patient and
inserting it into an egg whose nucleus has been removed. When the cell
it produces stem cells that can be put in the patient without causing an

   But some lawmakers would like to see so-called therapeutic cloning --
unlike reproductive cloning, will never result in a birth -- outlawed.

   A proposed measure by Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., would outlaw the act
therapeutically cloning a human embryo. It would also ban the importation
products derived from therapeutic cloning.

   Vogelstein said such a ban could mean that "regenerative medical
will never occur and people with terrible diseases won't be healed."

   He also said that since much biomedical research is international,
likely most useful lines and reagents will be developed outside the U.S."
Therefore, a ban on importation would also curtail important research.

   Another witness, James Thompson, the cell biologist from the
University of
Wisconsin-Madison who discovered stem cells, said despite the President's
Aug. 9
decision, "the existing human embryonic stem cell lines will not fulfill
promise unless the National Institutes of Health begins to aggressively
this area of research."

   Thompson point out that the NIH Human Embryonic Stem Cell registry,
which is
necessary to initiation federal funding, had not been completed.

   Later in the hearing, Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., asked another
witness, Wendy
Baldwin, deputy director for extramural research at the NIH, why the
was still operating.

   Baldwin said the project was behind schedule due to the terrorist
strikes but
promised that it would be up on the NIH website within a week.  |end|

LOAD-DATE: October 31, 2001
Source: Lexis/Nexic

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