


Carmen asked Michael for a definition of PWP.  Given the context in which his used the term it was not clear to me either.  I believe in the singular PWP stands for Person With  Parkinson's and in the plural it means People With Parkinson's. 

To have some fun on a wet Friday night I took the three letters and decided to play around a bit and see what I could do.  The following is a result of that effort.  I caution you to not search for deep meaning in any of them and remember this was done quickly.  I challenge all you word-smiths out there to come up with some really clever and meaningful examples.

People with Parkinson’s
Pissed-off with politics
Pontificate with purpose.
(Perturbed could be used for Pissed-off)

Parkies whisper poems
Prepared with passion.

Parkies wail parables
Prepared with poison
(I don't like this one but I left it in anyway)

Parkies who party
Party wildly perpetually

Partners with patience
Pensively wonder purpose
