

Hi Linda,

I too am just recently diagnosed (Jan. 2002 - just turned 35) but really I
knew for a year or so before that and suspected for another 6 months or so
before that as my father also has early-onset PD so I was very familiar with
the symptoms. I think my way of denying it was to avoid a diagnosis - not
hard as my GP at the time felt I was too young for PD and so in the 2 or 3
fairly long conversations I had with her, we always managed to convine
ourselves that it must be something else.

Then we moved. I had to find a new job and I didn't want a diagnosis which I
felt had the potential to mess me up with all the practical needs of my
life. Once somewhat settled I finally went to my new GP and basically told
him what I had and that I needed to see a neurologist. Things went pretty
quickly after that.

The first couple of visits were filled with emotion and tears. I think the
neuro thought that was a bit strange but even though I had known in my heart
I had never really faced the reality. My husband was very supportive and
came to all the early visits so I'd have his moral support.

I'm still dealing with the issue of acceptance. I pick and choose quite
carefully who I tell and I'm still too scared to tell my new boss. I also
worry about potential difficulties with banks, insurance companies, etc. as
we're just in the process of buying a house. So many things to think and
worry about!

Take care,


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