

List members,

Earlier this morning CNN ran a report about President Bush applying
pressure on the Senate to pass Sen. Brownback's cloning bill, S.1899 -
known as the "Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2001"  The title of the
bill  may sound like it is meant to prohibit the use of cloning to
produce human beings , but it would also prohibit  therapeutic cloning
research - that utilizes somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) or other
cloning technologies to produce stem cells for biomedical research. It
holds promise for producing cellular therapies to treat diseases such as
Parkinson's, cancer or Alzheimer's. Under Sen. Brownback's bill,
scientists performing such research could be imprisoned.

There are two other cloning  bills introduced in  the Senate :" Human
Cloning Ban and Stem Cell Research Protection Act of 2001 "
S. 1758 (Feinstein/Kennedy) and
S. 1893 (Harkin/Specter)

These bills would also prohibit human reproductive cloning  - for the
purpose of creating a human being.
But they would allow  therapeutic cloning research to continue, such as
the recently passed law in the  United Kingdom.

For more information on this important issue, see The Grassroots
Connection - a new web site at

And while you're there please sign the online declaration supporting
efforts worldwide to find, test, and make available a cure for
Parkinson's Disease.

One of the most effective ways to make your voice heard on this issue and
others important to PWP is to attend the PAN Public Policy Forum in
Washington DC on May 19th - 21st. It will be very worthwhile and help
people connect with other advocates from all over the U.S.
PAN is offering funding to help assist with the costs for those who would
like to attend. Registrations must be received soon.
 See :   for more information.

Linda Herman

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In the body of the message put: signoff parkinsn