

Another new book on Parkinson's Disease has been published this month -
"A Life Shaken : My encounter with Parkinson's Disease" by Joel Havemann,
published by Johns Hopkins University Press.   Havemann is an  editor for
the LA Times' Washington D.C. bureau, a young onset PWP, and a truly
gifted writer.

I started reading the book last night and couldn't put it down.  The
author relates his personal story about life with PD, about coping as a
family, and keeping up with a demanding job, intertwined with engrossing
facts on the history of PD, brain physiology, treatment, research, and
more. I could easily recognize and identify with many of the reactions
and emotions Havemann described when first diagnosed  and as the disease
progressed. Readers may also be surprised to discover accounts about some
long-time Parkinsn list members -- I won't tell which ones -- Read the

I highly recommend this book to both the  newly diagnosed and  "veteran"
PWP - we can all learn a great deal from it, and it is a great read as
well. The book is available on Amazon.

Linda Herman

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