

Are any other PWP involved with the shooting sports?

Before PD, I enjoyed target shooting.  I wanted to involve
my son (now 11) in the sport.  Also, I was looking for a
way to resume the sport.  My primary problem with PD is
with stiff and slow movement, although I do have some
problem with tremor in the right hand.  I could somewhat
control the tremor problem when I shot rifle from a prone
position or from bench rest.  (But the prone position is
difficult for me to get in and out of.)  I could shoot
pistol o.k. from sitting position, if I used both hands.

But I wanted to coach my son (and also shoot to), using
the National Rifle Association Marksmanship Qualification
Program.  I received an excellent information booklet from
Dave Baskin, who is with NRA Disabled Shooting Services:
"Courses Of Fire For Persons With Mobility Impairment."
It describes rifle and pistol shooting positions, using a
table and chair. (Which the Spokane Rifle Club allows me
to use.)  Dave can be reached via the NRA web site.

Charley Countryman
51, diagnosed 1993

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