

Some time ago, I was contacted by someone at a web site called, which wanted to archive academic e-lists. Since they didn't
want us to pay them anything, I said, Great! and put their URL for the
archives up on our REED-L web page.

        However, it looks like they are no longer providing this service. I have
not tried to use it for a while myself, but I recently got e-mail from a
member that had tried, unsuccessfully. I've poked around and conformed that
we really don't have an web-based, readily searchable, list archive
anywhere anymore!

        What we have is a old-fashioned, text-only, series of message logs on the
University of Toronto main listserver site. These log files have exciting
names like REED-L LOG9011 or REED-L LOG0205. As you can guess, each one is
composed of all the messages sent in a given month, and some of them
contain quite interesting discussions, so it's too bad they are so hard to
access. However, there are instructions at one of UofT's web sites for how
to use the message logs and how to search for and retrieve messages. The
URL for that site is:


        I will, after the current crunch of Kent, try to figure out some less
clunky way to have a list archive. And in the short term, I'll just take
down the misleading part of the web page.

        I will now return you to our usual peace and quiet!


Abigail Ann Young (Dr), Associate Editor/Records of Early English Drama/
Victoria College/ 150 Charles Street W/ Toronto Ontario Canada M5S 1K9
Phone (416) 585-4504/ FAX (416) 813-4093/ [log in to unmask]
List-owner of REED-L <>
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