Mysterious and Foreign in Early Modern England  (04/10/02 - 05/10/02)

This announcement is a reminder of an upcoming conference entitled "The
Mysterious and the Foreign in Early Modern England," October 4th and 5th
2002, hosted by McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Featuring keynote speaker Patricia Parker (Stanford), this two-day
conference offers an exciting and stimulating range of papers related to the
conference theme.  We invite anyone interested in attending the conference
to visit our website at

for more information regarding registration (form available online),
accommodation, conference participants, and a preliminary program of
scheduled events.

Please forward this message to anyone who might be interested in attending
the conference.  All are welcome!
Helen Ostovich
Editor, EARLY THEATRE / Professor, Dept of English
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON, Canada L8S 4L9
(905)525-9140 x24496  FAX (905)777-8316