

I guess there has to be several factors at work here for this 'debate' to
have legs.

One, the pre-supposition that you do not have Parkinson's Disease. Otherwise
known as denial;

Two, you do not have faith in the Physicians treating you, and;

Three, your self-insured so as to be able to spend the time and money
verifying your diagnoses.


Terry Bowers

-- As a young-onset patient of Parkinson's Disease,
a progressive, degenerative, as yet incurable
neurological disorder, Terry has become a tireless
Advocate, speaking and writing on behalf of
Parkinson's patients and their families and caregivers.

To invite Terry to come and speak to your group,
club or organization contact him at
[log in to unmask] or call him at 254-747-0856.
Topics include Parkinson's Awareness,
Activism and Self-Determination, Bioethics, and
Stem Cells and Their Sources.

"A cure by 2005"
Texas Parkinsonian Advocate

Tom wrote:
First on the topic of Dr. Lieberman. My interpretation of his careful
response is one of non-endorsement. If he was to say "yes" this is a
good test, the community would go berserk and their would be lines of
PWP outside the national PET centers.

The latest information I have read is 26% of all Parkinson's
diagnosis are incorrect. Deborah was one of the "lucky" ones to be
from this group. Am I one of the other 25%, are you? 50,000 people
are diagnosed each year via clinical observation and l-dopa
responsivenss. Is it acceptable for 12,00 of them to be misdiagnosed?

There are 20 other diseases that emmulate Parkinson's
symptoms, many are curable. My response to l-dopa was very
miniscule, yet it was the deciding factor. Of the 13 military
neuros/and one civilian MDS I have seen in two fun years not one ever
mentoned F-DOPA PET SCAN, yet ALL stated "there is no test that will
diagnose Parkinson's, except a BRAIN AUTOPSY. This brings
me back to the 25% misdiagnosed--when do you think the misdiagnosis
is caught? Post mortum autopsy of the brain. Speaking for myself that
is unacceptable, and I will encourage all PWP, specifically young
onset to actively pursue a F-DOPA scan (and some already have & had
the scan done). We must make this just as a common practice as the

We must educate our own doctors, neuros, and MDS's on F-DOPA--as well
as ourselves. We are talking a $2,100 scan vs a lifetime of
Parkinson's meds, DBS, P-otomy, F-otomy,and all the costs in between.

We can not allow what happened to Deborah happen again. Not to you,
me, or the next 22year old who walks stiffly into a neuros office. We
must stand together on this issue........together we can win.

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