

Thanks to all who have shared their stories.  I am still searching for my
new PD self(just dx 6 months ago), but I know it includes a new appreciation
for life.  And these stories are full of inspiration!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carole Hercun" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: pd-does it destroy your life?/A Chance to Chase Dreams

> Joan, you are so eloquent you had me in tears, and I
> haven't even had my AM coffee yet, just enough
> Sinemet-fortunately, it works for me, most of the time-to
> turn my morning claws into hands that can work the
> keyboard. I have been reading this debate re: victimization
> by PD with interest.
> This is my experience. Most mornings I wake up cursing this
> illness that is fighting me for control of my own body.
> Odds are PD will win. I pray it does not also covet my
> mind. I read about people with PD who are hailed as heroes
> and think that all I ever wanted was an ordinary life, and
> for every famous PWP there are hundreds of us who silently
> struggle to do something simple, like put on our socks. It
> is damned hard to have this disease.
> Whatever the reason, I have Parkinson's. I am no longer
> ordinary. Over this I have no control. It has spun me
> around and turned my world upside-down and forever changed
> a life I did not ask to be altered. When the dust settled
> after my diagnosis, I decided I damned well better start
> "chasing my dream," while I still had some functioning
> brain cells left.
> With a desperate sense of urgency that I set out to do
> that. My childhood dream was to be a writer, so at the age
> of 50 I started to write. I am a two-fingered typist who
> works at a snail's pace (and that was BEFORE the PD slowed
> me dofinishedhave fnished 2 books since then. My first
> earned me so little I chose to frame the royalty check
> rather than cash it, and the second is about to begin the
> series of form rejection letters of today's multi-media
> publishing conglomerates.
> Joan is right, IT DOESN'T MATTER. Because I finally
> followed my dream and the truth is, I have this damned
> disease to thank. When I have a bad day I look at my book
> and know that when I leave this earth I will leave
> something of myself behind for my granddaughters.
> My advice is to listen to Joan and Jane and the others.
> Chase that dream. Do whatever it is that you always wanted
> to do. Use the disease to enable yourself. Paint a picture,
> get on a plane, become a Parkinson's activist, share your
> experiences with a PIEN newbie, educate that annoyed
> cashier who is watching you fumble for change. As a much
> better writer than I said, "rage against the dying of the
> light." Parkinson's disease has your body. Don't let it
> have your soul.
> Carole S. Hercun
> 56(current age)/51(age at diagnosis)/?38(age of probable
> onset)
> --- Joan E Snyder <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > i can only speak from my own perspective and my own
> > experience
> > doesn't really matter.
> > so please, when the final days come-do not cry for me. i
> > have had a
> > chance to try to do something meaningful and good in my
> > life; a chance
> > to chase my dreams. how many healthy people can say
> > that??
> >
> > --
> > Joan E. Blessington Snyder       50/11
> >
> > <[log in to unmask]>
> > "Hang way through it but to do it."
> > Chris-in-the-Morning   (Northern Exposure)
> >
> >
> >
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