

I don' t want to suggest any certain brand over another, but you might want
to check out this site.


-------Original Message-------

From: Parkinson's Information Exchange Network

Date: Friday, November 15, 2002 10:18:27

To: [log in to unmask]

Subject: Re: Confused

Regarding hospital beds, it made perfect sense to me to get one for my

husband who had a very hard time getting out of bed due to rigidity. However

the psychological implication of having a hospital bed (rather than a

bed) was something I hadn't anticipated. Although we had the bed for about

eight months, not once did he use the controls to help himself. His feeling

was that he 'didn't need' to use them, although it would have made life much

simpler for him. It served as a symbol of his illness and he stubbornly

not take advantage of the ease it would have allowed him. If you have

in your life with PD that does not want to use a walker or wheelchair or

the utmost reluctance, a hospital bed may also be something they balk at.



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