

Norma, thanks for your message.  I'm definitely going to have to do some
research on this.

Kim DaRosa
Investor Relations &
Marketing Assistant
JER Partners
>1650 Tysons Boulevard
>Suite 1600
>McLean, VA  22102
>(703)714-8064 (direct)
>(703)714-8141 (fax)
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-----Original Message-----
From: Norma Dikeman [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 8:59 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Nursing Home for PWP/24hrCG

I'm not sure this is right. My husband is on medicaid. We are allowed $2200
per month income and $78,000 in assets for him to be eligible for CASA which
sends nurses and aids to help me care for him. They also pick up the cost of
his medications, doctor bills, and his physical therapy. Maybe it is
different if he has to go into a nursing home.

Norma, CG for Gordon

DaRosa, Kim wrote:

>Ray, thanks so much.  What's it's boiled down to is we have to sell the
>family house in order to pay for her care.  Oh sure, Medicaid will pay
>but I understand that whatever my mom owns, they'll put a lien against
>it.  My parents worked too hard for their house so to keep from the
>state taking it, we have to sell it.  I cry everyday about this because
>it's the house I grew up in and I can't stand to think of someone else
>living in it.  I know it's something I'm just going to have to get over
>because it's for my mom.  I think it's bull@#$# that these seniors work
>so hard all their lives and are basically left with nothing in the end,
>not even their dignity.
>Medicaid won't pay until my mom only has $2,000.  Since she has more
>than that, we have to sell the house and keep paying until it's all
>gone.  Once Medicaid kicks in, they'll even take the pension and social
>security she gets every month.  Oh, I'm sorry, we were told that she
>could keep $60 of it for whatever she may need.  WHOOPIE!
>I'm very hostile about the whole Medicaid thing and how my mom is being
>treated.  I think it sucks that money comes out of our paychecks every
>month for stuff like insurance, medicare/medicaid and we still get
>screwed in the end.  As far as my mom's treatment, she's not being
>treated "badly" she's just ignored a lot.  They don't take her to
>physical therapy like they should (she may go 2-3 times a week), she
>gets her medication on THEIR schedule so god for bid if she's in pain,
>she has slept in a wet "diaper" all night because the CNAs don't always
>answer the bells when they should. She has lost all her dignity and I
>think she starting to give up.
>I've read other emails about how much CNAs are the country are getting
>minimum wage and McDonald's employees are making more.  I understand
>what they are saying and I don't think it's right but it's a job they
>chose to do.  I'm a former CNA and I know how hard it can be.  Besides,
>we're paying $7,000 a month for my mom's care and I should see that
>she's being cared for.  When my mom rings the bell, she shouldn't have
>to wait 20 minutes for a CNA to come nor should I have  to go searching
>for one.  They should be there!
>I'm jumping off the soapbox now.  Thanks for letting me vent!

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