

List members from New York State:

A bill (A1819) authorizing under strict guidelines-  stem cell, embryonic
and fetal tissue research ( including SCNT)   has recently been
introduced in the New York State Assembly by Assembyman Scott Stringer of
 Manhattan. The bill would also prohibit reproductive cloning in the
state. It is similar to the bill passed last fall in California.

 I spoke with Assemblyman Stringer's office. They asked New Yorkers to
contacting your state asssembly and senate representatives. Ask them to
support and co-sponsor A1819.
 If you're not sure who your state reps. are, for the Assembly go to

and for the Senate:

The billA1819

"Authorizes the conduct of stem cell, embryonic, and fetal tissue
requires the provision of information regarding embryos in connection
fertility treatment and informed consent for donation of embryos for
prohibits the sale of embryonic or cadaveric fetal tissue for valuable

consideration; authorizes the use of state funds for such research;
provides for
a review board to make policies and oversee such state-funded research;

prohibits the cloning of human beings.  "

The full text is available at:

and a summary is at:

Linda Herman,

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