

Good Morning All,

My 'puter has been offline for 9 days with a software conflict.

I finally had to reload everything in order to resolve the problem.

My newest operating system (XP Home Edition) didn't get along well
with a utility I've used a lot for several years... (Classic

The solution is ... Classic Clipboard is gone forever!

Enter Winm8 Version 2.01, my New Must-Have Clipboard and Organizer

I first thought my problems were GuruNet which I tried just before my
problems began...  Take a look...

GuruNet is also terrific and was not the problem... just added to the

Classic Clipboard, which I have used through Windows '95 and '98, was
a borderline cause of crashes with Windows XP and the popup GuruNet
just added to the conflict apparently.

I now have a stable 'puter again.  Winm8 is even better than Classic

I didn't e-mail for 9 days just in case there was some rogue trojan
or virus but I have PC-cillin, Norton and AVG and tried scanning all
files (one antivirus program at a time, of course) and there was
never a hint of any problem of that nature...

It's a Jungle out there!  Can't be too careful!

cheers ......... murray

* * *
Murray Charters <[log in to unmask]>

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