

The speech difficulties you wrote about are very common among PWP. Many
also have problems with low voice volume and lack of vocal expression
(like the facial Parkinson's mask). Most annoying to me has been exactly
what you described about blanking out on words - especially not being
able to recall people's names (very embarrassing when you're about  to
introduce someone!)
There's a speech therapy program called  Lee Silverman Voice Treatment
that some people have found helpful. I believe it deals mainly with
volume and articulation. Maybe someone on the list who's gone through the
therapy will write about their experiences.

For more information about  LSVT also see "Parkinson's Disease -Speaking
Out" on the NPF website:

Linda Herman

On Sun, 18 May 2003 06:58:26 -0500 Susan Shockley <[log in to unmask]>
>  I am taking requip, but all hear about Sinemet and how well it work.
> My  neurologist wanted to try this first.   I still am not up on the
> requip  enough  to say its effective, but I
> am having more trouble talking, and that's not fun.I may start out
> fine,  but then I become completely blank about the words and yet my
> wants  to keep going with some gibberish.  It seems my mouth and brain
> totally  disconnected  (which could be the case anyway!)Is this
medicine or
> pd?
> Anything interesting in commenting about this talking issue?
> -Susan Shockley
> -
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