

The Senate and House Appropriations Committees have marked up  Labor,
HHS, Education Spending Bills for fY 04. See THOMAS for status and links
to the bills.

When there are differences between the House and Senate bills - such as
the appropriations for the NIH - the House and Senate appropriations
committees will meet to hammer out the differences and produce a
Conference Report. The full house and senate then must approve the
spending bills.

NOTE: Pres. Bush asked for a 3% increase in NIH funding. Patient
advocates have asked for around 10% increase for FY04. Both the Senate
and House versions fall in between these 2 amounts.

Some details on health and PD related appropriations:
House of Rep. Appropriations bill:

"Full Committee Approves FY04 Labor, HHS, Education Spending Bill
full details at  :

Medical Research and Health Programs

"National Institutes of Health continues our commitment to the NIH by
providing $27.664 billion, $682 million more than last year. This is an
increase of more than 7 percent because of one-time costs in FY03.
Centers for Disease Control funding is $4.55 billion, $57 million above
last year and $233 million above the budget request. "

full details at:

"National Institutes of Health- A total of $27,982,604,000 is recommended
to fund biomedical research at the 27 Institutes and Centers that
comprise the NIH. This represents an increase of $1,000,000,000 over the
fiscal year 2003 level and $318,613,000 over the budget request.

Centers for Disease Control- The Committee bill provides $4,432,496,000
for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an increase of
$147,856,000 over the fiscal 2003 level. Included in this amount is
$801,844,000 for chronic disease prevention and health promotion of which
$50,000,000 for obesity prevention."

PD -related language:

"The Committee appreciates that understanding the deleterious effects of
neurological disorders on cognition and behavior will allow for the
design of more effective treatment and rehabilitation strategies
including behavioral interventions. The Committee encourages the NINDS to
continue supporting research on the cognitive and behavioral deficits
associated with epilepsy, autism, stroke, Parkinson's disease, traumatic
brain injury, migraine, and neurofibromatosis. "

Parkinson's Disease- The Committee is aware that the Parkinson's Disease
Research Agenda developed by NIH in 2000 included professional judgment
funding projections that totaled an additional $1,000,000,000 over 5
years to achieve a cure. The Committee strongly urges the NIH to come as
close as possible to fulfilling that Agenda while maintaining the
standards of peer review.

The Committee is greatly concerned, therefore, to learn that despite
strong congressional support for the aims of the Research Agenda, the
NIH's projected Parkinson's funding of $242,000,000 for fiscal year 2004
again falls substantially short of the $400,000,000 professional judgment
budget estimate cited by the Research Agenda for that year.

The Committee commends the Director, NIH, for stating his commitment to
develop and implement a thorough plan for Parkinson's research, and for
the initial steps taken. However, the NIH has failed to devote the
resources necessary to implement it and has failed to date to fill a key
leadership position, Director of NINDS.

The Committee strongly urges the NIH to devote additional resources to
Parkinson's research, as recommended by the Research Agenda, using all
available mechanisms, including RFAs, further support of initiatives such
as those begun at NINDS and NIEHS, and the Genome Institute's proteomics
initiative, among others.

The Committee expects the NIH to report to Congress by April 2004, on the
steps it is taking to fulfill the Parkinson's Disease Research Agenda and
to implement the Director's plan for Parkinson's research. "

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