

This has now been posted in the online MLA Job Information List, but we were too late for the print version.  Please forward it to anybody who might be interested.  Apologies, as usual, for cross postings.

Assistant or Associate Professor  
Assistant or Associate Professor (one position). Tenure track. Primary specialization in English Renaissance Literature. Required: PhD in English or related field by date of appointment; college-level teaching experience; ability to teach Shakespeare; publication record and evidence of ongoing, high quality research and publication appropriate to rank. Initial teaching load is 2/2 for tenure-track faculty with a significant research agenda, with teaching opportunities at both graduate and undergraduate levels. Applicants must send a cover letter indicating whether applying at assistant or associate level, vita, at least 3 letters of recommendation, and a brief sample of relevant academic writing to: Chair, Renaissance Search Committee, Department of English, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-0302. Application deadline: Postmarked by November 17, 2003, if not filled by that date, then every Monday until search is closed. Initial contact at MLA. All applications acknowledged. AA/EOE