

Taking Bush Personally

Conservatives wonder why so many liberals don't just disagree with
President Bush's policies but seem to dislike him personally. The story
of stem-cell research may help to explain. Two years ago, Bush announced
an unexpectedly restrictive policy on the use of stem cells from human
embryos in federally funded medical research. Because federal funding
plays such a large role, the government more or less sets the rules for
major medical research in this country. Bush's policy was that research
could continue on stem-cell "lines" that existed at the moment of his
speech, in August 2001, but that otherwise, embryo research was banned.
Even surplus embryos already in the freezer at fertility clinics - where
embryos are routinely created and destroyed by the thousands every year
- could not be used for medical research and would have to be thrown out
instead. Bush's professed moral concern was bolstered by two factual
assumptions. One was that there were more than 60 stem-cell lines
available for research. Stem cells are "wild card" cells. They multiply
and evolve into cells for specific purposes in the human body. A "line"
is the result of a particular cell that has been "tweaked" and is
multiplying in the laboratory. The hope is to develop lines of cells
that can be put back into human beings and be counted on to evolve into
replacements for missing or defective parts. The likeliest example is
dopamine-producing brain cells for people with Parkinson's disease. The
dream is replacements for whole organs or even limbs. But each line is a
crapshoot. So the more lines, the better. And it turns out that the
number of useful lines is more like 10 than 60. Bush also touted the
possibility of harmlessly harvesting stem cells from adults. He said,
"Therapies developed from adult stem cells are already helping suffering
people." This apparently referred to decades-old techniques such as
removing some of a leukemia patient's bone marrow and then reinjecting
it after the patient has undergone radiation. As for finding adult stem
cells that could turn into unrelated body parts, that was just a dream
two years ago, and now it is not even that. A new study, reported last
week in Nature, concluded that when earlier studies thought they saw new
specialized cells derived from adult stem cells, they were really seeing
those adult cells bonding with pre-existing specialized cells. There's
hope in this bonding process, too - but not the hope researchers had for
adult stem cells, and nothing like the hope they still have for
embryonic stem cells. Since Bush's speech, scientists have used
embryonic stem cells to reverse the course of Parkinson's in rats. Put
it all together, and the stem cells that can squeeze through Bush's
loopholes are far less promising than they seemed two years ago while
the general promise of embryonic stem cells burns brighter than ever. If
you claim to have made an anguished moral decision, and the factual
basis for that decision turns out to be faulty, you ought to reconsider,
or your claim to moral anguish looks phony. But Bush's moral anguish was
suspect from the beginning because the policy it produced makes no
sense. The week-old embryos used for stem-cell research are microscopic
clumps of cells, unthinking and unknowing, with fewer physical human
qualities than a mosquito. Fetal-tissue research has used brain cells
from aborted fetuses, but this is not that. Week-old, lab-created
embryos have no brain cells. Furthermore, not a single embryo dies
because of stem-cell research, which simply uses a tiny fraction of the
embryos that live and die as a routine part of procedures at fertility
clinics. And actual stem-cell therapy for real patients, if it is
allowed to develop, will not even need these surplus embryos. Once a
usable line is developed from an embryo, the cells for treatment can be
developed in a laboratory. None of this matters if you believe that a
microscopic embryo is a human being with the same human rights as you
and me. George W. Bush
claims to believe that, and you have to believe something like that to
justify your opposition to stem-cell research. But Bush cannot possibly
believe that embryos are full human beings, or he would surely oppose
modern fertility procedures that create and destroy many embryos for
each baby they bring into the world. Bush does not oppose modern
fertility treatments. He even praised them in his anti-stem-cell speech.
It's not a complicated point. If stem-cell research is morally
questionable, the procedures used in fertility clinics are worse. You
cannot logically outlaw the one and praise the other. And surely logical
coherence is a measure of moral sincerity. If he's got both his facts
and his logic wrong - and he has - Bush's alleged moral anguish on this
subject is unimpressive. In fact, it is insulting to the people
(including me) whose lives could be saved or redeemed by the medical
breakthroughs Bush's stem-cell policy is preventing. This is not a
policy disagreement. Or rather, it is not only a policy disagreement. If
the president is not a complete moron - and he probably is not - he is a
hardened cynic, staging moral anguish he does not feel, pandering to
people he cannot possibly agree with, and sacrificing the future of many
American citizens for short-term political advantage. Is that a good
enough reason to dislike him personally?

Michael Kinsley
Posted Thursday, October 23, 2003, at 12:16 PM PT at

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