

Ray - Did you see in this morning's paper, that Former President
Roosevelt did NOT have polio?  They are leaning to the fact that he had
some auto-immune deficiency.  Sometimes I'm not too sure doctors know
what they are doing.
I know.  I worked for doctors and in hospitals 22 years before I went
into real estate.  Of course - not all doctors, but I think a 2nd, 3rd
and 4th opinion would be appropriate.  I remember when a doctor was doing
a simple appendectomy and he accidently cut the man's tube leading to his
testicles, rendering him sterile for the rest of his life, and didn't
even tell him.  There are more stories I could tell.  But I'm telling you
all this, wondering if you might seek other opinions.  Anyway, best of
luck to you.  Jo Ann

On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 23:02:27 EST Rayilyn Brown <[log in to unmask]>
> Judith,
> PD meds don't seem to help me either.  I've just had bilateral DBS
> brain
> surgery in subthalmus nucleus and it really helps tremor, but other
> things are
> atypically worse, like walking and speaking
> I don't have DRD (Dopamine Responsive Dystonia)(DBS is now done on
> the globus
> pallidus   "sp"?for dystonia)  and was only "ON" the first time I
> took
> Sinemet.  Told my neuro I have never gotten the "Big Bang" out of
> meds like most
> people do.  she conceded I was a "weird duck", but believes I do
> have PD as I
> have every syjmptom except facial mask and and PET scan which
> supports the
> diagnosis of idiopathic PD.  Am going for another programming
> hopefully next week.
> She even asked me what I thought I had.   It is very discouraging.
> Ray
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