October 7-10, 2004

Shakespeare’s Others:
Shakespeare in the Context of his Rivals and Collaborators

Plenary Speakers will include:

David Riggs
Lars Engle
Sara Eaton

Proposals for papers are welcome on a wide range of topics and issues, including: The Non-Shakespearean Canon; What Shakespeare Read; Deviant Sexualities; Performing Shakespeare’s Contemporaries; Literary Reputations; Non-Shakespearean Motivations; Performing Shakespeare’s Contemporaries; Sentiment; Heroic Cultures; Jonsonian Realism and Jonsonian Fantasy; The Rise of Revenge; Who are Shakespeare’s Heirs Today? In general, papers are welcome that help particularize Shakespeare by making his works, his language, his characters, and his conventions seem less normal. Individual sessions are likely to be devoted to several of the major playwrights, and to some of the themes, character types, or genres that help us align Shakespeare with the other writers who form his artistic context, including magic, representations of Jews, urban settings, the image of Italy, misogyny, the history play, and so on. Papers with a broader scope are welcome as well:  What do we mean by early modern authorship and originality? What is a literary context?

Send 250 word abstracts by August 1, 2004 to Jonathan Kamholtz, Department of English and Comparative Literature, University of Cincinnati, ML #69, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0069, or email them to [log in to unmask]

The Ohio Shakespeare Conference 2004, “Shakespeare’s Others,” is supported by the Taft Memorial Fund and the Helen C. Weinberger Center for the Study of Drama.

*    W. L. Godshalk                                                          *
*    Professor, Department of English              *
*    University of Cincinnati                                             *
*    Cincinnati OH 45221-0069      *   Stellar Disorder
*    [log in to unmask]                                *
*                                                                                     *