

FROM Parkinson's Action Network:

From: "Laura Jane Cohen" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 11:23:02 -0400


The NETRP needs your help!!!

We have learned from our friends on the Hill that once again the
Department of Defense Neurotoxin Exposure Treatment Research Program
(NETRP) is in danger of receiving a cut.  As many of you remember, this
has become the annual routine in the committee and every year we all push
very hard to get them to increase the levels in the full Appropriations
committee and finally in the conference committee (where they reconcile
the House and Senate numbers in the budget before a final vote by the
full House and Senate).  Well, here we go again…

The program, which is part of the Department of Defense Appropriations
Bill, desperately needs the support of the Members of the House
Appropriations Committee.  They are scheduled to take this bill under
consideration tomorrow a.m.

This is where you all come in!  We need immediate action!

Below, I have included a list of who sits on the Appropriations
Committee.  If one of these folks is your Member of Congress (or you have
any relationship with a Member or office) please call them and ask them
to support the much needed $57 million for the NETRP in Fiscal Year 2005.
 (I have included a sample script below)

If your Member is not on the Appropriations committee,   please call them
and let them know how important this project is and that you are asking
them to contact the Members of the Appropriations committee and voice
their support for $57 million for NETRP for Fiscal Year 2005.

Also, please find below an NETRP fact sheet.

Please feel free to give us a call if you have any questions

Thanks so much!

Together we make a difference!


Laura Jane

Laura Jane Cohen

Director of Outreach

Parkinson's Action Network

1000 Vermont Ave., NW

Suite 900

Washington, D.C. 20005

ph: 202-842-4101  ext. 104

or 800-850-4726

fax: 202-842-4105

[log in to unmask]

Appropriations Committee Member List:
Majority Members        Minority Members
C. W. Bill Young, FL (R - Chairman)             David R. Obey, WI (D -
Ranking Member)
Ralph Regula, OH (R)            John P. Murtha, PA (D)
Jerry Lewis, CA (R)             Norman D. Dicks, WA (D)
Harold Rogers, KY (R)           Martin Olav Sabo, MN (D)
Frank R. Wolf, VA (R)           Steny H. Hoyer, MD (D)
Jim Kolbe, AZ (R)               Alan B. Mollohan, WV (D)
James Walsh, NY (R)             Marcy Kaptur, OH (D)
Charles H. Taylor, NC (R)               Peter J. Visclosky, IN (D)

David L. Hobson, OH (R)         Nita M. Lowey, NY (D)
Ernest J. Istook, Jr., OK (R)           Jose E. Serrano, NY (D)
Henry Bonilla, TX (R)           Rosa L. DeLauro, CT (D)
Joe Knollenberg, MI (R)         James P. Moran, VA (D)
Jack Kingston, GA (R)           John W. Olver, MA (D)
Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, NJ (R)         Ed Pastor, AZ (D)
Roger F. Wicker, MS (R)         David E. Price, NC (D)
George R. Nethercutt, Jr., WA (R)               Chet Edwards, TX (D)

Randy "Duke" Cunningham, CA (R)         Robert E. "Bud" Cramer, Jr., AL
Todd Tiahrt, KS (R)             Patrick J. Kennedy, RI (D)
Zach Wamp, TN (R)               James E. Clyburn, SC (D)
Tom Latham, IA (R)              Maurice D. Hinchey, NY (D)
Anne Northup, KY (R)            Lucille Roybal-Allard, CA (D)
Robert Aderholt, AL (R)         Sam Farr, CA (D)
Jo Ann Emerson, MO (R)          Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., IL (D)
Kay Granger, TX (R)             Carolyn C. Kilpatrick, MI (D)
John E. Peterson, PA (R)                Allen Boyd, FL (D)
Virgil Goode, VA (I)            Chaka Fattah, PA (D)
John Doolittle, CA (R)          Steven R. Rothman, NJ (D)
Ray LaHood, IL (R)              Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., GA (D)
John Sweeney, NY (R)            Marion Berry, AR (D)
David Vitter, LA (R)
Don Sherwood, PA (R)
Dave Weldon, FL (R)
Michael K. Simpson, ID (R)
John Abney Culberson, TX (R)
Mark Steven Kirk, IL (R)
Ander Crenshaw, FL (R)

Script for Congressional Calls

on the U.S. Army Neurotoxin Exposure Treatment Research Program (NETRP)

Below, please find a suggested script for you to follow during phone
calls to Members of Congress on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee.
Remember these calls need to be made by tomorrow a.m.

Please feel free to edit the script so that it reflects your personal


My name is ________________ from _________________ (city, state).

As your constituent, I am asking Representative ____________ , as a
member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee to support our troops
and those with Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases by
supporting $57 million in funding for the U.S. Army Neurotoxin Exposure
Treatment Research Program (NETRP) in Fiscal Year 2005 in tomorrow’s full
committee markup.

American forces may be exposed to a wide range of environmental stressors
and toxins and scientists believe that exposures of this nature increase
the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases, and in particular
Parkinson’s disease.  The NETRP works to identify these toxins and
ultimately minimize their danger.

Findings from the NETRP program are broadly applicable to those diagnosed
with Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative disorders (such as
Alzheimer’s, ALS, and Huntington's disease), accelerating the
availability of new treatments and therapies.

I ask for your strong support for funding this vital program at $57
million for Fiscal Year 2005, which would enable the NETRP to continue
improving the health and readiness of our military and, at the same time,
bring hope to the more than one million Americans who already have
Parkinson’s and the 60,000 who are newly diagnosed each year.

I am counting on the Congressman’s support.

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