

Forwarded message:
From: "Judy Blazer" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 14:54:10 -0400
Subject: An opportunity from WE MOVE!

If you are a person living with mid- to late-stage Parkinson’s disease,
reside in the United States, and have ever used levodopa (Sinemet) mixed
into a liquid (suspension or “soup”), WE MOVE wants to hear from you!

WE MOVE has been contracted to conduct a series of focus groups to
discuss how and why people living with Parkinson’s (PLWP) utilize liquid
levodopa.  These discussions will be conducted via telephone conference
call on these dates and times:

Monday, June 28, 2004           Noon EDT

Tuesday, June 29, 2004           Noon, EDT

Wednesday, July 7, 2004                   Noon, EDT

The number of participants in each call will be limited to 5 and you can
call in (at no charge) from anywhere in the United States.  The call will
be moderated by WE MOVE staff and your identity will be protected … we
will use only first names on the call.

To qualify for participation in this discussion, you must be able to
answer “yes” to the following five questions:

1.      Are you over the age of 18 years?

2.     Have you had PD for five years or more?

3.     Do you take medication to treat your PD?

4.     Have you ever tried to take your levodopa in a liquid form?  For
example, have you mashed up a pill and mixed it with a liquid or taken
any other form of liquid levodopa  (suspension or “soup”)

5.     Are you able to speak clearly in English for the duration of the
call (90 minutes)?

If you answered yes to these five questions, please Reply to Judy Blazer
<[log in to unmask]>  with your first name and telephone number and this
sentence “Yes. I want to participate in a PD focus group conference call
on (insert one, two or three dates from the list above when you will be

Once we receive your reply, we will contact you via email to set up a
brief phone interview in advance of the actual focus group conference

Thank you in advance for your interest.  If you are willing and qualified
to participate, you will be making an important contribution to the
development of new and effective treatments for Parkinson’s disease.

Judith Blazer, MS
Executive Director, WE MOVE
[log in to unmask]

WE MOVE is a not-for-profit organization that has been educating and
informing the movement disorder community for over a decade. WE MOVE
believes that increased knowledge and understanding promote timely,
accurate diagnosis and up-to-date treatment, resulting in a better
quality of life for individuals affected by Parkinson’s disease and other
movement disorders.

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