

Thank You For Filling Out This Form

Below is what you submitted to [log in to unmask] on Wednesday, July 7, 
2004 at 15:16:55Sender's first name:: RayilynSender's last name:: BrownStreet 
address: 40697 Corte Albara City: MurrietaState: CADaytime phone: (909) 696-0908
RE:: Stem Cell DebateThe letter: How is it that people can oppose ESCR and not 
in vitro fertilization clinics, the source of all these extra embryos, embryos 
that have routinely been discarded since Louise Brown, the first in vitro 
baby was born in 1979. About 70% of them fail to implant in this process that 
gives children to the childless. Further, SCNT (somatic cell nuclear transplant) 
or therapeutic cloning uses an UNFERTILIZED egg and one's own DNA. Just whose 
life am I taking if I can someday use it to cure my Parkinson's Disease? All 
legislation so far bans it. Scientists need to learn how cells, not babies, 
behave in order to determine the etiology of diseases and we won't know whether 
ASCR or ESCR works for which disease until the research is done. Unfortunately, 
anti-abortionists deceptively want you to believe ESCR means killing a baby. 
A blastocyst is a collection of pluripotent, undifferentiated cells, invisible 
to the naked eye, in a petri dish. I am probably too old to benefit from this 
research, but if I do get help, it will most likely come from outside the 
United States.SUBMIT: Send
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