


REED-Sponsored  Sessions at the

International Medieval Congress 2005

University of Leeds, 11-14 July 2005

“Rereading Household Records”

In thirty years of Records of Early English Drama (REED) editors’
fieldwork, the field itself matured from locating household texts to
understanding their contexts.  Abundant (if spotty) household
records—accounts and letters—survive, but their entertainment expenses
are only partially explicable without interdisciplinary sources and
methodologies from the perspectives of economic, domestic, cultural,
consumer, and preservation history.  These REED-sponsored sessions
consequently invite papers which address new ways of looking at
household organization; stewards’ practices and record-keeping
conventions; travel accounts; such socio-economic dimensions as
seasons, hospitality, rites of passage, hierarchical structures, age
groups; women’s management practices; education in estate management;
delegation and deputization of household authority; the language and
rhetoric of household communication; and archive acquisition, access,
and preservation issues. The premise of these sessions is that the
more household entertainment records REED editors have found, the more
they have realized how much interdisciplinary knowledge is called for
to understand their full contextual meaning.

Please direct inquiries and expressions of interest to either of the
REED-sponsored 2005 sessions’ co-organizers: Ted McGee,
[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>.,
or Barbara D. Palmer, [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

Further information on the 2005 International Medieval Congress (and
its special thematic strand of “Youth and Age”) is available at  By 15 September 2004, please
send a one-page (maximum) abstract, preferably by e-mail, to Barbara
Palmer.  By 10 June 2005 the full text of accepted papers should be
sent to Ted McGee so that potential session commentators have
sufficient time to prepare their responses.

C.E. McGee
Professor of English, English Department, St. Jerome’s University,
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G3, Canada, (519)
884-8110 (or -8111), ext. 280, [log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

Barbara D. Palmer
Professor of English (retired), University of Mary Washington.  Home
and Mailing: 409 Shaw Court, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22405, U.S.A.,
(540) 899-2328, [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

Abigail Ann Young (Dr)
Associate Editor, Records of Early English Drama
Victoria College, University of Toronto
REED on the web: <>
My site: <>