


That wasn't his point, as I understand it. I believe he meant to
illustrate that just because people think they are making the "right"
decision, doesn't mean that they are. What scientists think is "fact"
and "right" one day, is often changed the next day  (i.e.: the world is
NOT flat, but we CAN fly to the moon). Just because they are scientists
(or doctors, or professors, or politicians) doesn't mean that they know
what is the "truth". This argument can be applied to both sides of any

Bob was applying this logic to your argument - some current scientists
see no moral problem with destroying embryos, just as Hitler's
scientists saw no problem destroying Jews and people with disabilities.
The logic is the same, even if you don't agree that the target of the
destruction is.

Now, in keeping with my theory that I must ask a legitimate question or
provide information when I enter the SCR fray to give my opinion, does
anyone have suggestions on how to reduce foot swelling? Rich is starting
to have a problem with this. The cherry juice does help somewhat (thanks
for that info!), as does walking, but it seems to be getting worse.



-----Original Message-----
From: Parkinson's Information Exchange Network
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Rayilyn Brown
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 1:45 PM
To: [log in to unmask]

Shame on you, Bob, you are impugning those scientists and Nobel
Laureates by
comparing them to Hitler's scientists who experimented on living people.

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