

FROM: Washington Post:

Dance of the Stem Cells

By Michael Kinsley
Washington Post
Sunday, August 15, 2004; Page B07

Maybe I missed it, but it seems as if Laura Bush has not had her Lady
Macbeth Moment. This is the period, hallowed by tradition if not actually
written into the Constitution, when the media discover that the
president's wife is the power behind the throne. She is not the sweet
helpmate she appears to be. Underneath, there is steel. In fact, she is a
(insert a word -- there are more than one -- beginning with "b"). She is
her husband's closest adviser and a fierce protector of his place in
history. She curbs his partisan instincts or, alternatively, she keeps
him on the ideological course. A well-known male rival for the
president's ear has been fired on her instructions.

Rosalynn Carter, Nancy Reagan and Barbara Bush all had their moments. It
was a challenge to fit Hillary Clinton into this template, but with a few
little fixes (the demure helpmate stuff had to go), she was squeezed in.
But when does Laura Bush get her turn? For almost four years she has
loyally played along with the treacly conceit, assigned to her at the
beginning of the administration, that her only public policy passion is
libraries. As far as anyone knows, she has never questioned or failed to
obey the instructions of the president's official advisers and
spinmeisters. Of course, neither has her husband.

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Then last week she suddenly popped off about stem cells. But this was
hardly her breakthrough moment. A lot of Republican politicians and
operatives spoke out about stem cells last week, all miraculously making
the same argument -- an argument so embarrassingly silly and disingenuous
that it could only be an official campaign talking point. Anyone thinking
for herself would have a hard time getting it out without giggling.

As Laura Bush put it, George Bush "is the only president to ever
authorize federal funding for embryonic stem cell research." She noted
that "few people know" this. Few may have known it, but many might have
guessed. It is true indeed that Bush's predecessors, from George
Washington to Bill Clinton, failed to fund embryonic stem cell research.
Even Abraham Lincoln. Not a penny for stem-cell research from any of
them. Historians believe this might have been because it didn't exist
yet. But that's just a guess.

George Bush gave this nascent research a tiny sliver of money and piled
on a smothering load of restrictions. As Laura Bush did not note, that
makes Bush the only president ever to authorize federal rules against
stem cell research.

It is characteristic of George W. Bush that he would not see, or have no
patience for, the irony of justifying a policy on moral grounds and then,
when it comes under attack, claiming that the policy is not having the
very effect he is supposed to want. Meanwhile, it is characteristic of
the Bush political machine to be utterly fearless about insisting that
things are the way it would be convenient for them to be, despite all
evidence that things are the way they really are.

The purpose of Bush's stem cell policy is to discourage medical research
using embryos. Bush is supposed to think that these clumps of a few dozen
cells are every bit as human as the people who will suffer or die from
diseases that stem cells could cure. He had better believe that, because
stem-cell research uses embryos being discarded by fertility clinics and
doesn't actually add to the embryonic death toll at all. Only a deep
conviction about the humanity of these microscopic dots -- which have
fewer human characteristics than a potato -- could justify sacrificing
real human lives to make the purely symbolic point that these dots are
human too.

Scientists are in agreement that Bush's policy is succeeding. Stem cell
research has been drastically slowed. Yet Bush surrogates now pretend
that the policy's real success is its failure to stop this research
completely. Hey! You're supposed to think all those embryos being used in
privately funded research are human victims, remember? It's a huge
tragedy, remember? Stop bragging about it.

In a display of her husband's famous compassionate conservatism, Laura
Bush scolded that "it really isn't fair to people who are watching a
loved one suffer" to overplay the promise of stem cells. She said,
helpfully, "We don't know that stem cell research will provide cures for

As someone with a loved one (myself, as it happens) who has the disease
(Parkinson's) for which stem cells hold the most promise, please allow me
to say: Thank you so much, Mrs. Bush, for trying to make sure that I
don't get too hopeful. While your husband and Sen. John Kerry make a
major issue out of who is more optimistic, it is inspiring to have a
first lady with the courage to say: Let's be pessimistic! Optimism is

But talk is cheap. While Laura Bush is destroying hope by the traditional
method of spreading gloom and pessimism, her husband is bringing the
pessimist's art into the 21st century by actually destroying the
objective basis for hope. While she battles rhetorically against false
hopes, he works to ensure that there is no hope at all.

On balance, I think I prefer her approach.

The writer is editorial and opinion editor of the Los Angeles Times.

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