

From: Israeli National News

Israeli Stem-Cell Technology Repairing Nerves
17:44 Dec 15, '04 / 3 Tevet 5765

   Israeli technology aims to use stem-cells to repair neurological
damage such as that which results from Parkinson’s disease.

The technology was developed at Tel Aviv University and is being used by
BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics, which has established an Israeli subsidiary
tocommercialize it. The patent-pending technology, called NurOwn, is
based on discoveries made by Professor Eldad Melamed, head of Neurology
at Rabin Medical Center, and expert cell biologist Dr. Daniel Offen, at
the Felsenstein Medical Research Center of Tel-Aviv University – together
with their research teams.

The technology enables the differentiation of bone marrow-derived stem
cells into functional neurons and has already been demonstrated
successfully on animals. BrainStorm is developing cell-therapy products
with adult stem cells to be used in the treatment of neurodegenerative
diseases. They are initially focusing on the development of bone marrow
derived neural-like cells for the treatment and rehabilitation of those
suffering from Parkinson`s disease.

``Our company has chosen to focus on autologous cell therapies, which use
cells from the patients` own bone marrow to repair a physical
dysfunction, since we believe that this approach may circumvent many of
the safety hurdles and ethical controversies involved in competing stem
cell research,`` said Yaffa Beck, President and CEO of BrainStorm

Although the debate over stem-cell research has gotten quite heated in
the United States, due to Christian views on the matter, the use of
stem-cells taken during the first 40 days of the embryonic stage is much
less problematic according to Jewish law. During its recent conference in
Jerusalem, the Orthodox Union emphasized its support, “consistent with
Orthodox rabbinic teaching, for the continuation of and public funding
for cutting-edge biotechnology research, including embryonic stem-cell

Published: 17:36 December 15, 2004
Last Update: 17:44 December 15, 2004

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