

FWD: From Parkinson's Action Network

Important Stem Cell Legislation Needs Support

The Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005 Take Action!

Is Your Representative a Co-Sponsor?

Please ask your Representative to co-sponsor HR 810, the Stem Cell
Research Enhancement Act of 2005 introduced by Rep. Mike Castle (R-DE).
HR 810 provides for research to be conducted using excess embryos from in
vitro fertilization clinics which would otherwise be discarded.

As you know, human embryonic stem cells have the potential to treat and
provide better understanding of the deadly and disabling diseases that
affect more than 100 million Americans, such as cancer, heart disease,
diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord
injury and many, many others.

In August 2001, President Bush announced his stem cell policy, which
limited all embryonic stem cell research performed with federal funds to
the 78 stem cell lines available for research at that particular point in

The unfortunate reality is that now, more than two years after August 9,
2001, very few stem cell lines are available to researchers. In addition,
all of those lines are contaminated with mouse feeder cells, making their
therapeutic use for humans uncertain.

Scientists are reporting that it is increasingly difficult to attract new
scientists to this area of research because of concerns that funding
restrictions will keep this research from being successful.

Furthermore, this promising field of research is moving overseas. We have
already seen researchers move to countries such as the United Kingdom,
Singapore, Israel, Sweden, and Australia, which have more supportive

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