

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 17:48:11 -0400 Brightline
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Nerve Factor Infusion Improves Parkinson's Disease
> ABC News - USA
> ... infusion of substance derived from specialized brain cells
> improves symptoms and quality of life for patients with Parkinson's
> disease (PD), according to a UK ...

Below is the full text of this  article. Please note that the British
patients in this study  - who are described as  having  significantly
reduced symptoms, and increased quality of life after  two years on GDNF,
with NO serious side effects,   are among thhe patients whose continued
use of GDNF has  been denied by the Amgen Corporation.

 Amgen halted all GDNF treatements in  September 2004. Since then the
British trial participants along with their counterparts in the US they
have been pleading with Amgen to reinstate the treatments that had made
such a difference in theri lives.  Amgen has refused. These  trial
participants  are now seriously worsening, returning  to their
wheelchairs; loosing their quality of life and their independence.

Nerve Factor Infusion Improves Parkinson's Disease
Thu Feb 24, 2005 03:05 PM ET

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Continuous infusion of substance derived from
specialized brain cells improves symptoms and quality of life for
patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), according to a UK report.

The substance, glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), is
obtained from lab-grown glial cells, which play a supporting role to
neurons in the brain.

The clinical effects of 12 months of continuous infusion of GDNF into an
area of the brain called the putamen were reported earlier, and now Dr.
Steven S. Gill from Frenchay Hospital in Bristol, UK, and colleagues
report the results after 2 years of continuous infusion in five patients
with Parkinson's.

At 24 months, the team reports in the Annals of Neurology, there was
about a 50 percent improvement in movement control and functional

All aspects of quality of life were improved at both 12 and 24 months,
the researchers note.
Most measures of neuropsychological function remained unchanged at both
12 and 24 months, the results indicate, whereas a parallel comparison
group experienced significant declines on several measures.

GDNF was tolerated well, the report indicates, though all patients
experienced intermittent electric shock-like sensations down the spine
and into the limbs upon flexing the neck.

"Our results indicate GDNF's potential as a therapeutic agent in
Parkinson's disease, from its ability not only to provide symptomatic
relief, but also to possibly modify the disease state, distinct from
other current therapeutic strategies," Gill and colleagues conclude.
"However, continuing dopamine replacement was required."


See what you can do to help the trial participants


Linda Herman

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