

Joan - What a blessing you are - not only to Don, but to all of us,
whether we have PD or a CG.  Yes - some of us (I'm a CG, of sorts) turn
to our religious beliefs to keep going and find that faith is the best
answer for us.  Some refute that theory, and turn to complaining and
criticizing.  I think the best thing is for any of us, no matter whether
we believe or not, to not "put down" those who do not agree with us.
There will always be diverse opinions and I'm very proud that
John C and Barbara P don't cut us off at the pass, and allow us to
express ourselves.  We just want to make sure we don't get into flaming
and there have been a few times when it would have easy for me to do
that.  Post some more.  We love it.  Jo Ann

On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 17:52:36 -0500 Joan Snyder <[log in to unmask]>
> how are you doing, sir?? i'm glad to see that you're still giving 'em
> hell and i hope that you never stop. all of this complaining, whining
> and blaming each other religious and political views seem to be, in
> my
> humble opinion, just a smokescreen that we all put up to hide our
> real
> feelings of fear and the worry that we might just find ourselves
> alone
> or unloved when we finally get to the end. but this is too painful
> for
> us to think about so we spend our time taking pot shots at everyone
> else's crutch. i amy be wrong but that is how it has always seemed to
> me. i can bet there are times when barbara and john just want to
> throw
> in the towel because it's more like overseeing a roomful of
> five-year-olds rahter than a bunch of Type A Personalities who are
> all
> so much in charge that we have yet to have one international color or
> ribbon.. we have the parkinson's tulip that we can call our own but
> not
> much else. i have probably met over 750 pwp's since this disease
> entered
> my life and i will tell you this-i have only met one who wasn't the
> epitomy of kindness and warmth. despite our little spats that come
> and
> go. it is an honor for me to know kind, insightful, and inspirational
> people like you, my dear friend Don. you always speak your mind and
> you
> resonate the truth. that makes you a hero in my book and as always,
> i am
> so thankful that we picked you to dedicate our book to. i cannot
> think
> of anyone i'd rather emulate than you as i grow older and and as i
> enter
> the end stages of pd. so keep on keepin' on and continue to show us
> through your grace and courage how to handle this scarey position
> that
> we're in. i love you both you & vivian!! may God continue to bless us
> all!! joan
> --
> Joan Blessington Snyder   54/14
> [log in to unmask]
> “Hang tough…… way through it but to do it.”
> Chris in the Morning      Northern Exposure
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