

Any coping mechanisms in this household come from me. My Dad's primarily attitude is one of denial. I know that the listserv for caregivers is the preferable venue for venting and I am a member. I was just trying to get some feedback on the anti-depressant recently prescribled for Dad from people who are PD people, not caregivers. After reading the listserv I truly believe in and trust the input from people, who, like yourself, are actually living the PD life and who are not in denial and who are trying to make the best of a terrible situation. Thanks for your input. Jann, caregiver to Dad, Jack, 78 yo

rayilynlee <[log in to unmask]> wrote:Jann,

I tried to explain to the psychologist at the Support Group I attended that
you just get accustomed to your situation when it changes for the worse.
His Rx was for me to count my blessings, have a positive attitude and
compare myself with people worse off. This was not helpful to me. I need
strategies for coping alone. I probably do feel sorry for myself from time
to time, but my big concern is getting from point A to point B(literally
without falling) Example, getting my groceries online has been a great

The hardest thing (I think) about PD is like M.J. Fox described it as being
in the middle of the street, knowing a truck is coming, but you don't know
just when. Although it is true we all face the unknown, we Parkies do have
special challenges. It would be nice to be understood.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jann Bell"

Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: Citalopram

> Thank you for your thoughts. Dad has been taking Sinemet a long time. His
> predominant symptoms are mostly an overall rigidity, especially in his
> legs and although he does not jerk, his hand and arm movements are very
> exaggerated, very wide in their scope almost as if he is making sure to
> grasp or touch something by making a really hard-to-fail go at it. We have
> all learned to live with his physical condition, have a fairly workable
> routine, but I am really starting to miss his involvement in our
> conversations. I just wish I knew what was inevitable and what I should be
> working (researching, inquiring) to slow down or improve. While our family
> has learned to "go with the flow" there is always this little nagging
> voice urging us to try something more or different. I suppose this is a
> common way of reacting and dealing with a chronic condition that affects
> everyone in a Parkinson's sufferer's family. When to just manage and when
> to attempt to have an impact. Thanks again for yo!
> ur
> attention.
> Rick McGirr wrote:Hi, Jann,
> You can never know enough about the stuff you put in your body.
> On side effects of PD meds, I understand that the drug that causes the
> most problems in the long run is Carbidopa/Levidopa itself. Over
> time, 5 to 10 years, it can cause wild, jerky motions and contractions
> of muscles. It also loses its effectiveness, and dosages are
> increased over time.
> I was on the stuff for a couple of years, but being in the early
> stages of the disease, and in an effort to maximize my useful years, I
> went off C/L. It's been 2 or 3 months, and it is a bit more difficult
> for me, but the small increase in symptoms is tolerable for now.
> You should search the web for info on what particular purpose your
> father's medication is supposed to serve. Different drugs do diff.
> things. Carb/Levidopa helps reduce actual symptoms of PD. I still
> take Selegiline, a neuro-protector, and Requip, which stimulates the
> neuro-receptors in the brain. These two give me no problem at all,
> but I have had significant difficulty with other meds causing
> sleepiness.
> Your dad's reactions may be totally opposite mine, and any changes
> should be made in consultation with his doctors. Good luck, and
> thanks for being there for your dad.
> Enjoy Spring!
> Rick McGirr
> Email: [log in to unmask]
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jann Bell"
> To:
> Sent: Monday, May 02, 2005 8:42 PM
> Subject: Citalopram
>> I could sure use some advice on this drug. My Dad, 78 years old, who
> has been diagnosed with PD since 1998 has only taken
> Carbidopa/Levidopa for all these many years. He currently takes 2 -
> 100 mg tablets three times a day, plus 1/2 tablet of Simvastanin
> (spelling?) for cholesterol. The latter drug was only introduced a few
> months ago. Other than those two meds and an aspirin a day, we've kept
> things pretty simple. I have been reading this listserv for several
> years off and on and remember, especially, the drastic side effects
> drugs can have on the PD patient that ordinarily might not affect a
> person without PD. He sees a nurse practitioner at the Veterans
> Adminstration here in Arkansas, and she, along, with most of the
> doctors in this area know little to nothing about PD and have no
> interest in changing that. So, the listserv is invaluable when it
> comes to real life suggestions and observations.
>> His nurse practitioner suggested Citalopram Hydrobromide, 200 mg
> daily. I really am hesitant to introduce any new drug that cause bad
> side effects IF MY DAD MIGHT AVOID THEM. However, I also notice, that
> since PD affects everyone differently it might be an unavoidable
> condition of having PD - namely, having to at least try everything
> suggested and hope that not too much harm is done in the process.
>> Any thoughts about Citalopram would really be appreciated. I also
> mentioned to the Nurse Practitioner that Dad was starting to kind of
> lose his ability to string words and thoughts together more frequently
> but at other times had a pretty good command of his thought process
> (possible Lewy Body Disease), She had no comment.
>> Thanks for your time and consideration.
>> Jann, caregiver to Dad, Jack, 78 yo
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