

Hi Theresa,

Frist's experiments on cats are fairly well known. I can't say for sure if 
he "enjoyed" it, but I'd think that it wouldn't take very many cats before 
you have learned what you need to know. Any more borders on sadism. Lying to 
shelter staff about what he would do with the cats was probably illegal, as 
there are many restrictions and formalities involved in animal research 
(though maybe not when Frist doing it).

In some circles, this flip-flopping would be written up as a sign of courage 
-- that he's not afraid to face off against extremists for what he believes 
in. I tend to think its just politics as usual: the majority of the citizens 
and the Congress support stem cell research. Frist needed to act now to get 
in line with the rest of the nation if he wants the '08 White House.

Think for a minute how despicable this is. The man is educated enough to 
believe in stem cell research, but opposed it nonetheless for years. If stem 
cell research does turn out the treatments that many think it will, this 
political maneuvering caused millions of preventable person-years of 
suffering and countless early deaths. 

Still, its hard to fault him for doing the right thing.


On 7/30/05, Theresa Rehtom <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Once again this board has outdone itself. I have sat without comment for a
> long time now. What I have observed is that only certain members are 
> allowed
> to make disgusting comments about anyone they feel like while others are
> subject to censorship and attacks for merely stating a belief or asking a 
> serious
> question or respectfully disagreeing with anyone who is in the "in crowd"
> Why is Ray permitted to make disgusting accusations against respected
> Senators without reproach like she did when she said "I heard he enjoyed
> experimenting on and killing cats when he was a med student, but perhaps 
> that is only
> hearsay." Referring to Frist...
> I expect to be banned now but since this board has degraded to new lows 
> and
> there is little information on it of any worth it won't be much of a loss.
> Respectfully
> Theresa
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