

Studies and Lawsuits Point Accusing Fingers at the Parkinson’s Drug, MIRAPEX, 
that Has Been Linked to Compulsive Gambling
 Date Published: December 29, 2005
 Source: Newsinferno News Staff 
It is admittedly an odd connection but there seems to be no real doubt that 
MIRAPEX, a drug used to treat Parkinson’s disease (PD), is also responsible 
for turning some of the patients who used it into gambling addicts.
In July, a Mayo Clinic study published in the Archives of Neurology that 
identified 11 Parkinson’s patients who developed a gambling habit while 
taking MIRAPEX or similar drugs between 2002 and 2004. Since the study was 
released, 14 additional Mayo patients have been diagnosed with the problem 
according to lead author Dr. M Leann Dodd, a psychiatrist at the Clinic.
Previously, in August 2003 in the journal Neurology, Drs. E. Driver-Dunckley, 
J. Samanta, and M. Stacey published an article entitled “Pathological 
gambling associated with dopamine agonist therapy in Parkinson’s disease.”
That study found extreme cases of compulsive gambling in nine (of 1,884) 
patients using pramipexole (8 or 1.5%)) and pergolide (1 or 0.3%). Both 
results were well above the overall incidence rate of all PD patients of 
0.05%. Both drugs that showed an increased risk were dopamine agonists (DA).
The Mayo Clinic study also analyzed the findings in five prior studies 
(including the 2003 Driver-Dunckley study) and confirmed that: “All of the 
commonly prescribed dopamine agonists have been associated with pathological 
gambling” with pramipexole being “disproportionately represented in both our 
series (82% of our patients) and in prior reports (59%).”
MIRAPEX (pramipexole dihydrochloride) is in the dopamine agonist class of 
drugs and is believed to work by mimicking the action of dopamine in the 
brain to help control the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Dopamine also 
affects brain processes that control emotional responses and a person's 
ability to experience pleasure and pain. It is thought to play a role in 
addictive behavior.
Unfortunately, this is another drug whose benefits come with a very high price 
tag for some patients. The ones who become addicted to gambling often wind up 
losing their life savings, fall deeply into debt, and even jeopardize or 
destroy their marriages or other personal or family relationships.
In the past, the victims of this harsh side-effect had no idea what had come 
over them. Their brain was literally taken over and their gambling became 
constant and compulsive. Simply stated, they were out of control and had no 
idea why. For these people, the situation was frightening and inexplicable.
As a result of this completely bizarre and damaging side-effect, many MIRAPEX 
users suffered long periods of debilitating and destructive behavior during 
which they were unaware that the drug was causing the problem and that it 
would cease if they discontinued taking it.
MIRAPEX is manufactured by German-based Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, 
the world's biggest family-owned drug company, in cooperation with New 
York-based Pfizer, the world's largest drugmaker. Its sales for 2004 topped 
$200 million in the U.S. alone.
.Boehringer Ingelheim lists "compulsive behaviors (including sexual and 
pathological gambling)" as a possible side effect associated with taking 
MIRAPEX. That seven-word phrase on page 17 of a 21-page highly technical 
document is all the warning that is given concerning the potentially 
detrimental side-effect. 
While Boehringer-Ingelheim has repeatedly claimed there is no scientific 
evidence upon which to base the conclusion that MIRAPEX causes addictive or 
compulsive behavior, the multiple reputable studies on the subject would seem 
to indicate otherwise. In addition, the company revised its package insert to 
include the warning with respect to “compulsive behavior” despite its denial 
of the connection
Currently, two major lawsuits against Boehringer Ingelheim and Pfizer have 
been commenced in federal court in California and in Superior Court in 
Ontario, Canada. They allege a number of addictive behaviors associated with 
MIRAPEX including gambling, shopping, having sex, eating, and engaging in 
other compulsive conduct.
It is likely that additional lawsuits will be commenced in the near future 
since the problem is as widespread as the locations of people who took 
 Jerrold Parker, managing partner of Parker & Waichman, a law firm with 
considerable experience in pharmaceutical and medical malpractice litigation 
nationwide, told us that: “It is difficult to imagine how the manufacturers 
of MIRAPEX can maintain there is no scientific evidence to support the 
addiction link when several studies leave little doubt of the connection. In 
addition, it is rather amazing that when the manufacturers finally decided to 
add a warning regarding compulsive conduct to the product insert they chose 
to hide it in the middle of 21 pages of technical data.”

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