

Hi Lynn,
Welcome to the Parkinsn List. I'm sure different people will have 
different replies to you about medication. Depends a lot on what you 
are taking and for how long. Most people find Sinemet becomes more 
unpredictible in how well and for how long it is effective, after 
taking it about 5 years or so. And it can vary from day to day, even 
hour to hour. If you do not feel like your meds are working though 
you should talk to your neuro about it. Frequently adjustments may be 
Welcome again and hope you will find this list helpful.
Linda Herman

-- ROBERT PITTS <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hello, my name is Lynn.  I was diagnosed with PD 3 years ago.  I 
found this
group when I was looking up some information on PD.  I
Am hoping to get some helpful feedback from others who also have the 
How is the medication working for others?  It doesn't seem to help me 
Should it make the tremors quiet down completely?
I'm sure I will have lots of other questions, but they will come 
Thanks in advance......Lynn  

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