

by diverdonreed
Sun Apr 08, 2007 at 02:17:54 AM PDT
Produced in coordination with the Bush White House, Senator Norm Coleman
(R-MN)"s  Senate Bill 30, the grossly-misnamed "Hope Act" is a clear and
eminent threat to stem cell research.
It would permanently ban federal funding for new embryonic stem cell lines
as well as Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer.
This is far more dangerous than a mere "cover-your-tail" vote-- this is a
dream law for opponents of research-- and a nightmare for all who want stem
cell research to move forward.
diverdonreed's diary :: ::

DANGEROUS DECEPTION:  Substitute Bill Bans Stem Cell Funding Permanently
Quick Flashback: I have been worried about Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minnesota)'s
anti-embryonic stem cell bill (S. 30) for some time.
For example, in our January 27 column:
"A deceptive and dangerous new anti-embryonic stem cell research law is
being offered by Senator Norm Coleman, Republican of Minnesota...  This bill
contains a way to block new embryonic stem cell lines.
"The Coleman bill reads like it was written by the Bush Administration.
"PREDICTION:   President Bush will come out in full support of this bill--
as he vetoes the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act for the second time.", January 26, 2007
The bill was more than a fake substitute, more than just "political cover",
allowing a Senator to do the bidding of the Religious Right, (which opposes
the research), while at the same time pretending to care about millions of
suffering people. He or she could say, "Oh, I support stem cell
research-see, I voted for the Coleman bill!"
But it was far worse than "cover your tail" legislation, even worse than a
way to avoid voting for a good bill, the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act.
The Coleman Bill was-and is-an unmitigated threat to our hopes of ever
getting federal funding for new embryonic stem cell research lines.
But first, was the Bush White House involved in this?
Read the following from Frederick J. Frommer, Associated Press, April 05,
"Coleman stem cell bill to come up for vote next week
"...Coleman said he worked with White House officials and Senate leadership
in crafting the bill...White House spokesman Alex Conant said the Bush
administration "strongly supports" Coleman's bill."-AP, 04/05/07
Mr. Bush's stem cell policies are unquestionably tilted against science.
This is the Administration that tried very hard to make SCNT a jail offense.
This bill is part of that anti-stem cell research agenda.
If it passes, forget about federal funding for new embryonic stem cell
funding, ever.
I will tell you how it works in a minute, but first, let me refer you to an
outstanding article by Dr. Ralph Dittman, cited in the Huffington Post,
April 6, 2007, titled:
"Open Letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid:
"Senate Bill 30 (S. 30) a poison-pill bill which will kill all
potential federal funding for human embryonic stem cell research utilizing
excess IVF embryos, or, potentially, derived from SCNT technology... This
act would effectively install the prohibitions against federal funding for
hESC research found in the so-called Dickey Amendment of 1995.
" can a bill with the following language expand stem cell research?
"In general, the Secretary shall conduct and support basic and applied
research... (on) stem cells... provided that the isolation, derivation,
production, or testing of such cells will not involve (1) the creation of a
human embryo or embryos for research purposes; or (2) the destruction or
discarding of, or risk of injury to, a human embryo or embryos other than
those that are naturally dead."
Passage of this bill would, in effect, negate any benefit from the passage
of Senate Bill 5 (S.5, the senate version of the Castle-DeGette House Bill
aimed at utilizing excess IVF embryos referred to as the Stem Cell Research
Enhancement Act). S. 30 would install into law the language and ill effects
of the Dickey amendment. (emphasis added)
...Senate Bill 30 is a bill detrimental to the advancement of human
embryonic stem cell research... It is a poison pill not only to hESC
research, but to SCNT (somatic cell nuclear transfer)...This is far from a
compromise; it is total surrender to a theocratic interpretation of science
which, if endorsed, would be highly detrimental to the nation's well being.
...put (this bill) where it really the garbage."-Ralph Dittman,
Huffington Post, April 6, '07
Dr. Dittman said a lot in a few words.
First, the single greatest obstacle to stem cell research is a law called
the Dickey Amendment-- which must be renewed every year. (Please keep that
in mind.)
The Dickey Amendment states that no federal funds may be used for research
which "endangers" an embryo. It contains almost word-for-word the language
the Coleman Bill (S. 30) would enshrine into permanent law.
Who is this "Dickey" who has such power to block embryonic stem cell
research funding?  James Dickey, is an Arkansas Republican, formerly a
Senator, but who was apparently considered too extreme in his views, and was
voted out of office by his state.
Look him up in Wikipedia.
"The outspoken, controversial, and conservative Dickey saw his popularity
decline in his overall moderate 2000, he lost the election to
Mike Ross. (Ross, by the way, is a stem cell research supporter--DR.)
What else is Dickey famous for? More from the Wikipedia entry:
"Dickey achieved notoriety when he insisted to the media that there were no
homosexuals in his district. (It is unclear how Mr. Dickey obtained his
"He also responded to a question from SPY magazine about "ethnic cleansing
in Fredonia" by blaming then-President Clinton. (Fredonia is a fictional
country depicted in the Marx Brothers movie, Duck Soup)..."--Wikipedia
This is the Dickey of the Dickey Amendment-whose influence blocks stem cell
research advances year after year?
One day, hopefully, the Senate will consider the rights of real-live people,
full-grown human beings suffering today from incurable disease.  Our sons
and daughters, all our loved ones, should take precedent over the civil
rights of a dot of tissue in a Petri dish. Right now, living people are
officially less important than those microscopic specks-because of Mr.
Dickey's Amendment. Dots in a dish: but that biological stuff is more
important than our families?
The Dickey Amendment is reviewed (and could be rejected) annually. All that
is required to defeat it, is just not to renew it.
Supporters of stem cell research always knew the Dickey Amendment blocked
federal research dollars, but there seemed nothing we could do about it. The
Religious Right is just too powerful, and they seem to totally ignore the
Constitutionally-mandated separation of church and state.  Every elected
official is at least a little afraid of them, and with good reason. In a
close election, would you want the local churches speaking against you, or
against an issue you were closely associated with?   Imagine a million angry
letters sent to voters in your district, or just dumped on your
doorstep-that is the kind of power they have. They are well-funded beyond
belief; the Catholic Church, for instance, is the single largest property
owner on earth.
But until now, there always was a chance that some courageous Senator would
say, hey, that Dickey Amendment is blocking my child's chances of getting
well-maybe it's time we reconsidered that provision, instead of blindly
re-approving it year after year.
Senate Bill 5 would take away that chance-by putting the Dickey Amendment's
anti-stem cell provisions into permanent law.
It's almost funny. The name for Senate Bill 30 is completely wrong, utterly
misleading: the "Hope" Act. "The Hope Offered through Principled,
Ethically-Sound Stem Cell Research Act".  Disgusting. How dare they use a
great word like hope --for something that would deny the hope of cure to
But ironically, the bill's number-Senate Bill 30-that number does fit.
Several decades ago, I was a reporter, and in newspaper reporter language,
the number 30 means: "the end".  We would always close our articles, like
That is what the United States Senate should do with Senate Bill 30.
End it.
BE SURE YOUR SENATORS UNDERSTAND: YES on the Stem Cell Research Enhancement
Act, Senate Bill 5, and NO! on Senate Bill 30.
And please telephone Senators Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, and John Sununu of
New Hampshire. Either one of whom might give us the one additional vote we
need-the 67th vote-to give us a super-majority, and override the President's
expected veto of the good stem cell bill, Senate Bill 5, the Stem Cell
Research Enhancement Act. (Remember, all you need is just that one sentence:
"As a __________, I support stem cell research; please ask the Senator to
vote YES on S. 5, and NO on S. 30.
The vote will happen next week. Call your  Senators, as well as Casey and
Sununu, today. Remember, you can always leave a message.
Bob Casey: Pennsylvania  Phone: (202) 224-6324. FAX: (202) 228-0604
Address: B-40 Dirksen Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 20510
John Sununu: New Hampshire  Phone: (202) 224-2841 FAX: (202) 228-4131
Address: 111 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510
By Don Reed

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