

Thanks, Alexandra. He will indeed be missed.


At 01:41 16/06/2007, you wrote:
Thank you Ruth for getting the message out. I was in England when I
heard of John's death and so unable to get the word out to the list
immediately. He was a dear and gentle colleague and long a Senior
Advisor to the REED project. He will be missed

ruth evans wrote:

Dear Listmembers
Just in case people don't know (although I imagine that many of you do
know already), I thought I would let the list know that  John Anderson
died in May. He is much missed by those he loved and whom he loved, by
his former colleagues at the University of Manchester, and by those
whom he taught, including me.
Ruth Evans

Professor Ruth Evans, HOD
Department of English Studies
University of Stirling
Scotland, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1786 467505
Fax: +44 (0) 1786 466210
Working from home: +44 (0)141 339 6952
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