


60th Anniversary International Conference:


12-15 September 2008
At the Georgian Theatre Royal,
Richmond, Yorkshire, United Kingdom

2008 is the 60th anniversary of the founding of The
Society for Theatre Research of which one of the prime
movers was Dr. Richard Southern. The connection
between the Society and the Georgian Theatre Royal,
Richmond, began with Dr. Southern’s initial research
and investigations in 1939 which continued until the
first restoration was completed in 1963. 2008 is also
the 220th anniversary of the opening of The Georgian
Theatre Royal on Tuesday 2nd September 1788.

In commemoration of these important dates The Society
for Theatre Research will host an International
Conference, The Georgian Playhouse 1750-1850 and its
Continental Counterparts, between Friday 12th
September and Monday 15th September 2008. The
conference will convene on the Friday evening. There
will be five sessions: a.m. and p.m. on Saturday and
Sunday and a.m. on Monday. There will also be three
gala performances at the theatre and commemorative
publications to celebrate the occasion. Further
details of the celebrations can be found in the
accompanying information.

This Call for Papers encourages theatre historians,
academics and practitioners to submit proposals for
papers to be given at the conference. Topics on many
different aspects of Georgian Theatrical life and
practice are most welcome and may include such topics

Performance style, theatre architecture, provincial
circuits, metropolitan playhouses, colonial theatre,
the work of James Winston, continental counterparts,
scenography and stage technology, musical theatre and
the Georgian repertoire.

Selected papers will be published after the conference
in a commemorative volume which will also present
current research on James Winston and The Theatric

In order to submit a paper for consideration
prospective participants should e-mail their abstract
of no more than 250 words for consideration to e-mail
address: [log in to unmask]
no later than 31 OCTOBER 2007.

Conference Convenors:  Iain Mackintosh
Professor David Mayer
Dr David Wilmore

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